IMPA: M.S. and Ph.D. in Dynamical Systems
By dlepage
IMPA was established for the purpose of teaching and conducting scientific investigation in pure and applied mathematics, as well as for widespread improvement of mathematical learning throughout the country. One of its objectives is to further the training in Brazil of groups of mathematicians capable of starting up permanent research work in Math Departments at different universities. Another of its goals is to train qualified personnel to conduct research work in the public and private sectors, utilizing mathematical skills and their applications. With this in mind, a whole series of activities have been programmed at IMPA of such intensity as to place IMPA in the national and international forefront. Most outstanding of these are the training of Master's and especially Doctorate, the publication of leading Brazilian mathematical literature, the systematic organization of post-doctoral programs over shorter and longer periods of time, the holding of the biannual Brazilian Mathematics Colloquia, the annual presentation of notable scientific forums of international scope, the upkeep of exchange programs and joint research projects with other domestic and foreign mathematical centers, the availability of the young scientist program and the maintenance of a complete and updated mathematics library.