Northwestern U. IGERT: Dynamics of Complex Systems in Science and Engineering
By hriecke
The NSF-funded IGERT program on Dynamics of Complex Systems in Science and Engineering provides training for graduate students in interdisciplinary nonlinear science. Participating students and faculty come from 10 departments across the university; their research spans a variety of topics, including pattern formation, computational neuroscience, nonlinear optics, crystal growth, granular flows, mixing, and combustion. Degrees are not granted by the IGERT program, but by the individual participating departments.
The IGERT program offers cross-disciplinary courses in nonlinear science and its applications; the courses are taught by faculty from different departments and often involve students in research projects. The program supports students through PhD research projects that are co-supervised by faculty with complementary expertise, and it also engages students in 3 to 6 months long internships to work at another university, a government lab, or an industry lab, as appropriate. In addition, the program offers a variety of scientific and training activities: a weekly Nonlinear Seminar by outside invited speakers, a Graduate Student Seminar series, a monthly gathering of Women in Science and Engineering, an informal Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, occasional workshops, and other social events.