DSWeb Dynamical Systems Software aims to collect all available software on dynamical systems theory. This project was originally launched during the special year Emerging Applications of Dynamical Systems, 1997/1998, at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. The information here includes functionality, platforms, languages, references, and contacts.

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6th Crimean School and Workshops on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications

Report on the meeting "Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications" held at Hotel Mellas in Crimea, Ukraine on 15-26 May 2006.

A Brief Biographical Sketch of Ken Meyer

Based on recent conversations with Ken Meyer, H.S. Dumas gives `the briefest possible' outline of Ken Meyer's academic life, followed by a chronological survey of some of the best and most representative parts of his work.

A brief biography of Carmen Chicone

Carmen Chicone is well known for his research in dynamical systems and applied mathematics. In May 2006, a Dynamical System Workshop was held at the University of Missouri-Columbia in honor of Carmen Chicone's 60th birthday (see also the report in DSWeb Magazine). Yuri Latushkin and Weishi Liu give an overview of his work to date.

A Brief Biography of George R. Sell

Victor Pliss (St Petersburg State University, Russia) wrote this brief biography of George Sell, which will also appear in a special issue of the Journal of Differential Equations in honor of Sell's 65th birthday.

A Conversation with Arnd Scheel

Lennaert van Veen interviews the Crawford Prize winner

Lennaert van Veen sits down to discuss the his research and the future of dynamical systems with Crawford Prize winner Arnd Scheel.

A Dynamical Simulation of the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Danilo Diedrichs has developed a model that quantifies the influence of different factors on refugees’ decisions to migrate to particular locations.

A Dynamical Systems View of the Outcomes of Viral Infections

Dynamical model of viral infections by Dixit demonstrates transitions between persistence and clearance as a bifurcation.

A Fast-Slow Dynamical System Model to Study Drug Addiction

Dynamical systems play an important role in modeling of a variety of cyclical processes in natural and manmade systems. In particular, they can be used to help to understand the mechanisms of drug addiction. Karthika Swamy Cohen tells about a recent  paper published in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, where the authors Jacob Duncan, Teresa Aubele-Futch, and Monica McGrath use a fast-slow dynamical system model to analyze the interplay between levels of mood and craving in a patient with an addictive disorder. 

A Fast-Slow Switching Model of Banded Vegetation Pattern Formation in Drylands

A new fast-slow switching model is introduced that captures the ecohydrological processes such as infiltration of water into the soil during rainstorms and  seasonal plant growth and death. 

A legal alien: a Dutchman in Providence

From Amsterdam to Providence: Peter van Heijster on his experiences as a recent postdoc at Brown.

A Mathematical Approach to Defensive Positioning in Baseball

Elizabeth Bouzarth, Benjamin Grannan, John Harris, Andrew Hartley, Kevin Hutson, and Ella Morton describe a model using batter-specific refinements to optimize the locations of the fielders in baseball.

A mathematician abroad (or: a tourist who is also doing some maths)

Dutch graduate student Lotte Sewalt describes her adventures during a four-month research visit to Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.

A Measure of Morphodynamics

Mattia Serra and L. Mahadevan talk about understanding the way in which a complex, multicellular organism arises from a single cell via spatiotemporal patterns that are repeatable and reproducible across the tree of life.

A Moving Argument

Mark Levi talks about stability of a cube resting on a sphere.

A new content management system for DSWeb: ideas needed!

The DSweb portal is changing to a new content management system and we need your help!


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