DSWeb Dynamical Systems Software aims to collect all available software on dynamical systems theory. This project was originally launched during the special year Emerging Applications of Dynamical Systems, 1997/1998, at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. The information here includes functionality, platforms, languages, references, and contacts.

Please note that DSWeb is not responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the content provided here.

A New DSWeb - Building on our Accomplishments, Enabling the Future

Ted Kull, the director of Information Management Systems at SIAM, reports on the new web portal for DSWeb.

A Novel Method for Computing Spectral Stability of Standing Waves

Jonathan Jaquette of Boston University discusses numerical methods useful in establishing the stability and instability of nonlinear waves using conjugate points and the Maslov index.

A somewhat formal report on Snowbird

Your current secretary reports on the DSWeb Editors meetings and the SIAG DS business meeting.

A visit to Sano Laboratory

Masaki Sano is one of the pioneers of experimental, theoretical and computational nonlinear dynamics. Back in the eighties, he published, among many other things, work on chaotic attractors in Rayleigh-Bénard convection and systems of coupled oscillators. Today, he leads the Sano Laboratory in the physics department of the University of Tokyo. Members of his group work on topics as diverse as covariant Lyapunov vectors, two-phase thermal convection and experimental realisations of Maxwell's demon. This is a report on a visit by your Editor-in-Chief to Sano Laboratory last September.

Abdul-Aziz Yakubu (1958-2022)

Yakubu, professor of mathematics at Howard University, died August 14, 2022, at the age of 64.

Addressing Climate Change, Boosting Environmental Resilience, and Advancing Clean Energy

Alejandro Aceves, Hans Kaper, and Sven Leyffer reflect on the recent findings and recommendations of the SIAM Climate Task Force.

Advances in Applied Nonlinear Mathematics

Alan Champneys reports on Advances in Applied Nonlinear Mathematics: a workshop celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. Hogan. A meeting held in honour of John Hogan's 60th Birthday at Engineer's House Bristol 18-19th September 2014, organised by Mike Jeffrey assisted by Mario di Bernardo, Yuliya Kyrychko and Alan Champneys.

Advances in Pseudo-Differential Operators

Authors: Ryuichi Ashino, Paolo Boggiatto, Man-Wah Wong (editors)


The 10th American Institute of Mathematics (AIMS) Conference on Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Applications took place in Madrid between July 7 and July 11. This event, which attracted many researchers from all over the world, was held on the Cantoblanco Campus of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and was co-organized by the Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT), together with other institutions. Ágata A. Timón (ICMAT) provides an account of the meeting's many activities.

Airbus, nonlinear dynamics, and the A380

Over the past decade Airbus' Landing Gear Systems Group has been increasing its use of computer-based modeling and simulation technologies. The use of dynamical systems theory is playing an increasingly important role in identifying stability boundaries very quickly and efficiently. Etienne Coetzee, an employee at Airbus, Bristol, is a key driver of this development. Hinke Osinga talked to him on location at Airbus in Bristol to find out more about this exciting direction of research and how he got involved in it.

Alfred Hübler - In Memoriam

Professor Alfred Hübler, a teacher and a physicist, passed away Saturday, January 27, at the age of 60. Alfred was well known for his experiments in complex systems and will always be remembered as passionate teacher. He was the professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 1989 as well as a long-time external faculty member of New Mexico's Santa Fe Institute.

American Abroad

Bob Wieman made the step of going abroad from America to Europe to do a three-year postdoc at the University of Bristol.

Americas Conference on Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis

The bi-annual Americas Conference on Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis was organised by the Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute and held in Santiago-Chile at the Centro de Modelamiento Matemático Universidad de Chile, January 10-21, 2005.

An Englishman in Boston

Rob Clewley shares his thoughts on the similarities and differences between the UK and the US.

An Exploration of Dynamics and Bifurcation in Networks

Golubitsky and Stewart provide a brief overview of their recent book "Dynamics and Bifurcation in Networks: Theory and Applications of Coupled Differential Equations".


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