DSWeb Dynamical Systems Software aims to collect all available software on dynamical systems theory. This project was originally launched during the special year Emerging Applications of Dynamical Systems, 1997/1998, at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. The information here includes functionality, platforms, languages, references, and contacts.

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Books in brief

Very short reviews

Books in brief

Very short reviews

Books in Brief

Brief summaries.

Books in Brief

Brief summaries.

Books in Brief

Brief summaries.

Books in brief

Very short reviews.

Books in brief

Very short reviews.

Books in Brief: Are publishers ready to deliver math e-books?

DSWeb's book reviews editor tested e-books from some of the biggest mathematics and engineering textbook publishers. Publishers seem intent upon taking us back to the pre-TeX years. By inexplicably avoiding PDF formats, they seem keen to reinvent the wheel for quality reproduction of mathematics symbols.

Boulder Dynamics 2014 – A Conference in Honor of Jim Meiss’ Birthday

Eric Bollt reports on the Conference in honor of Jim Meiss' 60th birthday.

Brain Drain: Fighting the Tide

Brain drain has always plagued the developing world, depriving it of badly needed scientific manpower, as many of their brightest minds head toward wealthier and more developed areas of the globe in search for better salaries and better working environments. Marcelo Viana interviewed Marcus Sarkis, an applied mathematician, who traded a most promising career in the United States for an equally promising and even more challenging career in his native Brazil.

Bridges Between Scientific Communities

Ideas on Diaspora Networks and their Countries of Origin

Horacio Rotstein presents ideas on diaspora networks and their countries of origin.

Bristol Centre for Applied Nonlinear Mathematics

The Bristol Centre for Applied Nonlinear Mathematics is at the forefront of collaborative research between mathematicians, engineers and applied scientists.

Broken Social Contract

William Yslas Vélez calls for mathematics departments to take the lead in addressing reform towards a more equitable educational system.

Building Dynamic(al) Faculty

Sara M. Clifton writes about her experience as a participant in North Carolina State University’s Building Future Faculty (BFF) Program.


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