DSWeb Dynamical Systems Software aims to collect all available software on dynamical systems theory. This project was originally launched during the special year Emerging Applications of Dynamical Systems, 1997/1998, at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. The information here includes functionality, platforms, languages, references, and contacts.

Please note that DSWeb is not responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the content provided here.

DSWeb Magazine needs Book Reviews Editor

After two and a half years, Rob Ghrist would like to pass the task on to somebody else. Thanks very much to Rob for his fantastic efforts and many interesting reviews! DSWeb Magazine is looking for a volunteer who is interested in taking on the Book Reviews. Please, email Hinke Osinga at [email protected] if this is the job for you!

DSWeb Moves to New Hosting Platform After Falling Victim to Shellshock

In December of 2014, DSWeb unfortunately fell victim to an automated security exploit ("hack") called "Shellshock", forcing an unscheduled move of the collaborative content management-based website to a new hosting platform. Jim Goldman, DSWeb Programmer from SIAM's Information Systems Department, and the man responsible for the fix, reports.

DSWeb New Logo Contest 2015

DSWeb is moving to a new platform and invites students, faculty, and researchers to design a new logo for the new portal.

DSWeb New Logo Contest 2015 Reminder

Reminder: DSWeb is moving to a new platform and invites students, faculty, and researchers to design a new logo for the new portal. Submissions are due by December 31, 2015.

DSWeb presents outstanding SIADS Multimedia

Starting in October, DSWeb Magazine will highlight outstanding multimedia from SIADS.

DSWeb Section Editor Transitions

We have many changes to report on regarding the editorial team of DSWeb.

DSWeb Tutorial Receives Honors

A portion of the DSWeb-featured tutorial on cardiac dynamics by Elizabeth Cherry and Flavio Fenton was awarded an honorable mention in the interactive media category of the 2006 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge created by the National Science Foundation and the journal Science. An interview with the two appears in the November issue of SIAM News.

DSWeb Tutorials Competition

The DSWeb Tutorials Section held a contest for graduate students for the first time this year. Entrants submitted multimedia documents explaining both elementary and advanced concepts in dynamical systems.

DSWeb Tutorials Competition '07

DSWeb held a student competition for online tutorials in dynamical systems. The two winning entries are interactive self-paced tutorials that would be of interest to students beginning to learn the subject. They appear in the DSWeb tutorial section.

DSWeb: A New Year, a New Pair of Editors, and Social Media

The new DSWeb editors Mason Porter and Danny Abrams introduce themselves.


Dynamic Models in Biology

Author: Stephen P. Ellner and John Guckenheimer
Reviewer: Glen Watson

Dynamical Systems and Climate: Opportunities for Involvement

Mary Lou Zeeman describes the state of dynamical systems activities and opportunities in the field of Climate dynamics and modeling. This article is a follow up to Zeeman's May 2008 article Climate Math in San Diego.

Dynamical Systems and Software Tools

John Guckenheimer talked to Hinke Osinga at the recent SIAM Conference on Applied Dynamical Systems about the role of software development in dynamical systems, the growing demand for tools to investigate complex dynamical systems, and the roles of mathematics and computer science departments in satisfying the demand for numerical software.

Dynamical systems applied to neural mass and neural field models

At the last annual meeting of the Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS), there was a lot of attention on neural mass and neural field models, the latter of which treat the mammalian cortex as a continuous, excitable medium. These approaches lead to models that comprise nonlinear ODEs or PDEs, space-dependent delays and other challenging aspects of dynamical systems theory. Stefanos Folias gives an overview of recent work in this fast-growing field of research.

Dynamical Systems at IMACS 2015

Chris Lustri and Robert Marangell from Sydney University report on the 9th IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory


Software Search