DSWeb Dynamical Systems Software aims to collect all available software on dynamical systems theory. This project was originally launched during the special year Emerging Applications of Dynamical Systems, 1997/1998, at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. The information here includes functionality, platforms, languages, references, and contacts.

Please note that DSWeb is not responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the content provided here.

Volunteer to review a book! Here is a list of recent books that could be reviewed.

A list of recently published books in dynamical systems.

Volunteer to review a book! Here is a list of recent books that could be reviewed.

A list of recently published books in dynamical systems.

Vortex sheets, Boussinesq equations, and other problems in the Wiener algebra

David M. Ambrose (Department of Mathematics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA, [email protected]) writes about existence theory in the Wiener algebra.

Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates: (Super)fluids with a twist

P.G. Kevrekidis, R. Carretero-González and D.J. Frantzeskakis showcase some recent experimental and theoretical work in the coldest temperatures in the universe involving vortices in the newest state of matter: the atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. The remarkable feature that these experiments and associated analysis illustrate is a new kind of ``classical mechanics'' for vortices, which revisits the integrability of the two-body system and opens up exciting extensions for N-body generalizations thereof.

Wanted: Minitutorial Proposals for DS21

SIAM is looking for minitutorial proposals from the DS community.

Wanted: Minitutorial Proposals for DS23

SIAM is looking for minitutorial proposals from the DS community.

Waves in a Stochastic Cell Motility Model

Hamster and van Heijster show Chemical Langevin Equation description of cell motility produces stochastic waves.

Weakly Coupled Dynamic Programs, Fluid Limits, and COVID-19: How Optimization Can Help Inform Policymaking

Huikang Liu and Wolfram Wiesemann summarize recent work developing a model-based national patient prioritization scheme in response to the limited capacity in the UK due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic. Their approach leverages dynamic programming to simultaneously estimate capacity and account for the dynamics of patient states and available resources.

Welcome to academia after 30 years in industry

After 30 years of working at Harwell Laboratory in Oxfordshire, Andrew Cliffe left his position as a Senior Consultant with Serco Assurance for a Professorship at the University of Nottingham. Hinke Osinga asks him about the differences between working in a company and at a university and how he decided on his career path.

Why Do Math

Inspired by the frequent need to answer the question, Why Do Math is a SIAM-sponsored website highlighting many of the exciting contributions made by computational science and mathematics to science, society, and everyday life. Though not specifically about dynamical systems, it includes many dynamical systems related topics (several of which are linked in the DSWeb Tutorials Section). The website is currently under development, but a number of tutorials are already available for view, on The America's Cup, Coclear Implants, Mathematics of Neuroscience, Space Travel, Tomography, Voting, and Wavelets.

Why you should contribute to the DSWeb magazine.

… and think about popularizing mathematics.

Winners of the DSWeb 2018 Software Contest

The winners of the DSWeb 2018 Software Contest are revealed!

Winners of the DSWeb 2019 Contest Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software

The winners of the DSWeb 2019 Software Tutorial Contest are revealed!

Workshop at BIRS: Localized Multi-Dimensional Patterns

While the whole of the US was facing a sizzling heat wave and Europe was washed away by months of rain, some of us where so lucky to get invited to a workshop at BIRS. Peter van Heijster shares his impressions.


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