Professional Feature - Lieven De Lathauwer

Professional Feature - Lieven De Lathauwer

Lieven De Lathauwer tells how the lasting pursuit of understanding tensors shapes his career as well as impacting the broad applied mathematics and engineering community.

An Exploration of Dynamics and Bifurcation in Networks

An Exploration of Dynamics and Bifurcation in Networks

Golubitsky and Stewart provide a brief overview of their recent book "Dynamics and Bifurcation in Networks: Theory and Applications of Coupled Differential Equations".

A Dynamical Simulation of the Syrian Refugee Crisis

A Dynamical Simulation of the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Danilo Diedrichs has developed a model that quantifies the influence of different factors on refugees’ decisions to migrate to particular locations.

From a Point to a Torus: Unveiling Emergent Dynamics with Higher-order Bifurcations

From a Point to a Torus: Unveiling Emergent Dynamics with Higher-order Bifurcations

Nicolaou and Motter analyze higher-order bifurcations to understand symmetry phenomena in networks of coupled oscillators.

Bridges Between Scientific Communities

Bridges Between Scientific Communities

Ideas on Diaspora Networks and their Countries of Origin

Horacio Rotstein presents ideas on diaspora networks and their countries of origin.

Chaos at the Table

Chaos at the Table

In Memoriam for Henry D. I. Abarbanel, May 31, 1943 - May 26, 2023

In Memoriam for Henry D. I. Abarbanel, May 31, 1943 - May 26, 2023.

Invitation: Submission Open for SIAM DS25 Minitutorials

Invitation: Submission Open for SIAM DS25 Minitutorials

The SIAM DS Organizing Committee is seeking proposals to organize minitutorials at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS25).

The Operator is the Model

The Operator is the Model

Igor Mezić provides an overview of Koopman operator theory and describes how it can be used to extract human-interpretable models.

Professional Feature - Renaud Lambiotte

Professional Feature - Renaud Lambiotte

Renaud Lambiotte tells his story towards becoming a leading network scientist, encouraging young researchers to follow their heart to discover one's own path and rhythm of growth.
