Revisiting Fluid Mechanics, From a Complexity Lens

Revisiting Fluid Mechanics, From a Complexity Lens

Saksham Sharma discusses issues that arise from treating fluids as a continuum and two of his recent preprints examining the emergence of fluids from atoms and framing fluid mechanics in the context of computing.

Professional Feature - F. Bill Shi

Professional Feature - F. Bill Shi

Bill Shi shares his story.

Professional Feature - Mason A. Porter

Professional Feature - Mason A. Porter

The Professional Road that Mason Porter has Traveled (so far).

Professional Feature - Igor Mezic

Professional Feature - Igor Mezic

Igor Mezic relates some of his adventures.

Marginalization Effects in Face-to-face Social Networks

Marginalization Effects in Face-to-face Social Networks

Karimi and colleagues study a model of the underrepresentation of minorities in social networks.

The Unconventional Aerodynamics of Paper Airplanes

The Unconventional Aerodynamics of Paper Airplanes

Li and Ristroph describe experimental/modeling work identifying the origin of paper airplane stability.

Front Propagation in a Model for Civil Unrest

Front Propagation in a Model for Civil Unrest

Ghazaryan and Rodríguez describe recent work revealing front propagation in a model of civil unrest.

Sequence Generation in Inhibition-dominated Neural Networks

Sequence Generation in Inhibition-dominated Neural Networks

The authors summarize their recent SIADS article using dynamical systems to identify sequential attractors that emerge given the architectures of a special class of neural networks that are inhibition-dominated.

Professional Feature - Yang (Angela) Yang

Professional Feature - Yang (Angela) Yang

Yang (Angela) Yang is a Staff Research Scientist at Meta.
