The DSWeb Magazine announces its 2024 Contest for Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software. We welcome submissions of tutorials on software that helps mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and other researchers in investigating deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems. Software tutorials may be either guides already listed on the DSWeb Software section, or they could provide a guide to new software that will then also be linked on the website.
Entries from faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and students are invited. Winners will be selected in each category (undergrad/grad students, postdocs/junior faculty, and senior faculty). Winners will be announced at SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS25, https://www.siam.org/conferences/cm/conference/ds25), which will take place from May 11–15, 2025 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Prize money totaling $1500 will be awarded and shared among the lucky winners. All appropriate submissions will be published on DSWeb.
The selection committee includes: Korana Burke (University of California Davis), Casey Diekman (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Bard Ermentrout (University of Pittsburgh), Eric Forgoston (Montclair State University), Hinke Osinga (University of Auckland), and Evelyn Sander (George Mason University).
Entries are due no later than December 31st 2024.
The goal of the contest is to promote the adoption of novel and creative software-based methods to analyze dynamical systems by providing tutorials explaining their use. Existing software in our large collection (see Software section) currently includes algorithms to examine ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, bifurcations, maps, time series, and much more.
Winning entries will be selected based on factors including clarity and accuracy of information, ease of use, creativity, thoroughness of explanations, quality of pedagogical examples, and appropriateness of language and examples for the intended audience.
Submission Instructions:
- Write and save as a .pdf a short note including the following items:
- Your name, university, department, and position of the lead developer (undergrad/grad student, postdoc/junior faculty, or senior faculty). Please indicate only one category. If co-developers from different categories are equally involved, please choose the more senior category.
- Specification of what kind of software your tutorial is about, including the intended audience and potential accompanying material, such as practice codes, etc.
- If you provide a text-based tutorial, please save it as a .pdf. If your tutorial is a website, YouTube video, or any other web-based content, please provide a weblink in your submission document in point 1. If your submission includes any accompanying educational material, please bundle it in a compressed folder.
- Email your .pdf submission note and accompanying files to [email protected] and write "2024 Software Tutorial Contest" in the subject line. Submissions should not exceed 10MB. If this is impossible, please set up and submit a download link (e.g., a Dropbox link). If all options fail, please contact the DSWeb Tutorials Section Chief Editor.
Entries are due no later than March 31st 2024.
More information, including existing software on dynamical systems, can be found on DSWeb. Further questions should be directed to Korana Burke.
DSWeb provides up-to-date information on dynamical systems and its applications. Anyone in the field is welcome to contribute; you don't have to be a member of SIAM or of the Dynamical Systems Activity Group (although we encourage membership!). DSWeb is hosted and run by SIAM as a service to the dynamical systems community and was developed with the support from the National Science Foundation.