Klaus Kirchgässner (26.12.1931-9.7.2011)
On Saturday July 9, 2011 we lost our dear friend and colleague Klaus Kirchgässner. He will be sadly missed. We will always remember him as an excellent scientist, as a person with strong dedication to the scientific community, and as a devoted teacher.
Several generations of students were attracted and shaped by his unique way of teaching mathematics in its interdisciplinary context. Besides his Ph.D. students he guided many
young scientists by his clear visions and high professional standards. His supporting and
thoughtful advice was a basis for many successful careers.
His research on hydrodynamic stability, bifurcation theory, and dynamical system made
him a world leader in applied analysis. His spatial center-manifold reduction is an
indispensable tool in bifurcation theory and in the mathematics of water waves.
His activities in scientific societies were crucial for the interdisciplinary and international
positioning of German mathematics. He served as President of the Gesellschaft für Ange-
wandte Mathematik und Mechanik, as a member of the Senat der Deutschen Forschungs-
gemeinschaft, and in the Council of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.
While his many mathematical achievements survive in his publications and continue to
inspire future researchers, his kind and friendly personality and his caring nature will be
remembered by many friends worldwide.
Berlin, July 12, 2011 Alexander Mielke
For more information (e.g. CV) see
http://www.iadm.uni-stuttgart.de/LstAnaMod/Kirchgaessner/ and H. Kielhöfer, J. Scheurle: Dedicated to Professor Klaus Kirchgässner. Zeits. angew. Math. Physik 43 (1992) 3–6.