Members of SIAG/DS have the opportunity and responsibility to select new leaders every two years. This year’s election is going on now and will be open until December 6. Positions to be selected include activity group chair, vice chair, program director, secretary and the advisory board. Per policy, at least two candidates run for each position, including for each advisory board position (which has 5 members). All candidates were given the opportunity to provide statements along with descriptions of their professional experience, education, SIAM activities, professional memberships, and research interests. To help our members make informed voting decisions, we report what they had to say.
Yasumasa Nishiura, Tohoku University
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Professor of Mathematics, Hiroshima University (1991-1995); Professor of Applied Mathematics, RIES, Hokkaido University (1995-2012); Director, RIES (2003-2005); Program Director, Alliance for breakthrough between Mathematics and Sciences (2007 – 2016); PI/Professor, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University (2012-2017); Specially Appointed Professor (Research), AIMR, Tohoku University.
Education: Dr. of Science, Mathematics, Kyoto University (1982); M.S., Mathematics, Osaka University (1975); B.S., Mathematics, Kyoto University (1973).
SIAM Activities or Roles: Editorial Board, SIAM Journal on Dynamical Systems and its Applications (2013 – present); Editorial Board, SIAM-MMS (2015 -present); Member, Selection Committee, SIAG/DS Moser Lecture (2009 and 2015); Member, Organizing committee, Pacific Rim Dynamical Systems Conference (DS00); Organizers and speakers of minisymposia at many SIAM conferences.
Professional Memberships: SIAM, AMS, MSJ, Japan SIAM, Fellow of JSIAM.
Research Interests: Pattern formation, Dynamical systems, Mathematical modeling, Non-linear waves and stability, Materials Science, Computational topology.
Awards/Honors: Autumn Prize, Mathematical Society of Japan (2002); Prizes for Science and Technology of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2012); Plenary, ICIAM15 (2015), SIAM/DS (2005), MSJ (2002).
Candidate Statement: SIAM has played an important role in my career growth over thirty years, especially the people I have met through SIAM have played a vital role in my ability to research, develop and acquire new technologies for applied dynamical systems theory. Such a diversity of people and topics presented there are extremely precious for researchers working far from US and Europe. As SIAG/DS Chair, if elected, I will work to keep the exceptional quality of DS group, provide a wider forum and strengthen its diverse nature. Dynamical Systems Theory in general has explored various new fields and given a reliable and universal language to natural science over one century and forms the engine that keeps this society going. It has also a great potential to contribute to solving many social problems from biological, environmental issues to medical, psychological ones. I will also encourage the members to bring a new dynamical view point to those urgent agenda in our data-driven society.
Andrew J. Bernoff, Harvey Mudd College
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Diana & Kenneth Jonsson Professor of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College (2009-Present); Chair of the Mathematics Department, Harvey Mudd College (2009-2014); Full Professor, Harvey Mudd College (2001-Present); Associate Professor, Harvey Mudd College (1998-2001); Assistant Professor, Northwestern University (1990-1997); NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, UC Berkeley (1989-1990); NSF Committee of Visitors (2007, 2010, 2013); Steering Committee, IAS/Park City Math Institute (2008-2011); Committee of Academic Sponsors, MSRI (2013-2015).
Education: PhD University of Cambridge (DAMTP), 1988; BS in Mathematics, BS in Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982;
SIAM Activities or Roles: President, Southern California Section of SIAM (2004-2011); Editor, SIAM Review Education Section (2005-2010); Associate Editor, SIAM Undergraduate Research Online (SIURO) – (2007-2012); Associate Editor, SIAM Review Education Section (2001-2004, 2011).
Professional Memberships: SIAM, AMS.
Research Interests: My research applies dynamical systems to understanding experiments in physics, chemistry and biology include problems in swarming, fluid mechanics and chemical signaling. My favorite mathematical tools include energy methods, bifurcation theory, asymptotic analysis, self-similarity, and numerical techniques notably spectral, particle, and boundary integral methods.
Awards/Honors: Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant (2014-2019); NSF Grants (7 awards from 1989 to present); SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize (2013); SIAM SIGEST Paper Award (2013); Marshall Scholar, University of Cambridge (1982-1985)
Candidate Statement: We are fortunate that the DS SIAG is healthy, well-managed, and dynamic. We are the second largest activity group at SIAM boasting over 1,200 members and the Snowbird meeting turned out nearly 1,000 attendees this year. My greatest goal as chair would be to sustain this energy and vigor. I would like for us to support and grow our online presence through DSWeb and social media (notably Facebook and Twitter). I hope to foster the growing connections between dynamical systems and network science, data science, and mathematical biology – we have things to learn from these disciplines and many tools to offer them also. I am a strong believer in diversity and inclusion on many axes and I believe that we will be healthier if we build a community welcoming to all genders and races, supportive of both research and education, and embracing academic and industrial partners. I am committed to mentoring the next generation of dynamicists and I am especially interested in creating opportunities for neophyte scientists. The dynamical systems community had been my academic home and touchstone for many years. It would be an honor to serve as your chair; if elected I promise to listen thoughtfully and represent us enthusiastically.
Ira B. Schwartz, US Naval Research Laboratory
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Trained and educated as both a mathematician and physicist, Dr. Schwartz and his collaborators, post doctoral fellows and students have impacted a diverse array of applications in the field of nonlinear science. Dr. Schwartz has publications in areas such as physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry. The main underlying theme in the applications field has been the mathematical and numerical techniques of nonlinear dynamics and chaos, and most recently, nonlinear stochastic analysis and control of cooperative and networked systems. Dr. Schwartz has been written up several times in Science and Scientific American magazines, has given invited and plenary talks at international applied mathematics, physics, and engineering conferences, and he is one of the founding organizers of the biennial SIAM conference on Dynamical Systems. Several of his discoveries developed in nonlinear science are currently patented.
Education: 1980 - Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland; 1975 - M.S., Physics, University of Connecticut; 1973 - B.S., Physics, University of Hartford;
SIAM Activities or Roles: I am one of the original founders and organizers of the SIAM conference on Dynamical Systems, as well as a co-organizer in 2009. I also co-organized the 2016 SIAM Annual meeting.
Professional Memberships: I am active in the American Physical Society, SIAM, and American Association for the Advancement in Science.
Awards/Honors: Elected fellow of the American Physical Society (2015); Awarded IBM Accelerated Discovery plaque for his work onadaptive networks and human behavior (2015); Named Outstanding Referee for the American Physical Society (2013), American Control Conference Best Presentation Award (2013); Editors Choice Award, Bulletin of Mathematcal Biology (2011); National Research Council Best Paper Award (2009); Awarded a National Institutes of Health Fellowship (1980-1983); University of Connecticut Physics Fellowship (1973-1975); Recent US Navy Invention Awards.
Candidate Statement: During my time at a government laboratory, I have helped establish an internal nonlinear dynamics group that has collaborated on a diverse set of funded dynamical systems problems. Our work has exposed young undergraduate, graduate and post doctoral fellows from various fields, such as physics, engineering, biophysics, epidemiology as well as applied mathematics, to a wide variety of problems that address critical issues. Our national and international collaborations with other laboratories and universities have exposed our group to various interesting problems where dynamics systems analysis has proved essential in understanding simulated and experimental observations, as well as predicting new phenomena and creating novel inventions. In a similar vein, over time the SIAM Dynamical Systems meeting has exhibited an increasing interaction between dynamical systems and other fields of science, including physics, engineering and biology. Attending conferences and workshops in several fields outside math, I have observed that many young people are studying dynamics within their own fields with heavy emphasis on computing, and are still unaware of many of the tools the dynamical systems community offers. As more students and post docs from diverse fields outside dynamical systems begin to understand dynamics within their own fields, they require more interaction within the dynamical systems community. I will continue to move to increase such interactions for three basic reasons: 1. It continues to spread the dynamical systems tools to new emerging fields. 2. Simultaneously it continues to expose mathematical scientists to new and challenging problems for us to grow into while making substantial contributions. 3. It opens up new avenues for jobs and funding outside of the usual track of academic research. In addition, applied dynamical systems is itself a shifting field with new themes that have emerged, such as climate science and nano-engineering. To help achieve our goals in our field, I will work to increase the interaction of outside experts at meetings such as physics and engineering, with more plenary talks and mini-symposia devoted to new areas of dynamical systems application, while balancing the existing research of our community.
Sanjeeva Balasuriya, University of Adelaide
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Tenured faculty member at: University of Adelaide, Australia [current]; Connecticut College, USA; University of Sydney, Australia; University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Was also on the tenure-track at Oberlin College, USA.
Education: PhD (Applied Mathematics, Brown University, 1996); ScM (Engineering, Brown University, 1996); ScM (Applied Mathematics, Brown University, 1993); BS (Physics, Joint Honors in Physics and Mathematics, Lafayette College, 1992).
SIAM Activities or Roles: SIAM Member since the 1990s; regular minisymposium organizer at SIAM conferences (2007, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017).
Professional Memberships: Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics; Australian Mathematical Society; Australia/New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society; Student Robotics Club of South Australia; MARS Society Australia
Research Interests: Applied Analysis; Dynamical Systems; Invariant Manifolds; Fluid Mixing; Mathematical Modeling (Geophysical to Microfluidic Flows, Mathematical Biology, Combustion); Nonautonomous and Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations
Awards/Honors: Future Fellow (Australian Research Council, 2014); J.H. Michell Medal (Australia/New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society, 2006); Outstanding Winner and INFORMS Prize (as advisor to University of Adelaide team at the Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2015)
Candidate Statement: I bring to the role of Vice-Chair a diversity of global experience (I have worked in three continents), of training (in applied mathematics, engineering, and physics), of research style (across the spectrum from theoretical to applied), and of academic experience (research-intensive roles, as well as teaching-intensive roles at liberal arts colleges and volunteering for Mathematicians in Schools). I am enthused at putting these skills towards increasing student and early-career engagement in the Dynamical Systems Activity Group. Additionally, I believe it is crucial to do so while being conscious of evolving research areas relevant to our Group. This philosophy has pervaded my many organizational activities (e.g., workshops at Banff and Oberwolfach), which were designed for engagement, while interrogating emergent and future research directions. At a broader level, I believe that encouraging transdisciplinary---and this means both with external disciplines and within mathematics---collaborations is key to our Group's long-term international and societal impact.
Mason A. Porter, UCLA
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Professor of Mathematics, UCLA (2016–present); Professor of Nonlinear and Complex Systems, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (2014–2016); Associate Professor, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (2014); University Lecturer, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (2007–2013); Visiting Scholar, Department of Biology, School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University (9/2014–1/2015); Research Professor [Adjunct Faculty], Mathematical, Computational, and Modeling Sciences Center; Arizona State University (2010–present); Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for the Physics of Information and Department of Physics, California Institute of Technology (2005–2007); NSF VIGRE Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics and Research Associate, Center for Nonlinear Science, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology (2002–2005); Postdoctoral Scholar, Semi classical Analysis program, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley CA (2003)
Education: Ph.D., Center for Applied Mathematics, Cornell University, 2002; M.S., Center for Applied Mathematics, Cornell University, 2001; B.S., Applied Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, 1998
SIAM Activities or Roles: Co-organizer, SIAM Workshop on Network Science 2017 (NS17), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (7/13/177/14/17); Secretary and co-Editor-in-Chief of DSWeb, SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems (2016–present); Associate Editor, SIAM Review (Research Spotlights section) (2015–present); Member, Education Committee, SIAM (1/1/13–present); Faculty Advisor and Senior Member (and founding faculty member), University of Oxford student chapter of SIAM (2007–2015); Organizer or co-organizer of 13 minisymposia (including at the 2003, 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013 Snowbird meetings) at SIAM Annual Meeting and Conferences on Dynamical Systems, Nonlinear Waves, PDEs, and Mathematical Biology (2002--present); referee for several SIAM journals.
Professional Memberships: SIAM; American Mathematical Society; American Physical Society; International Network for Social Network Analysis; Complex Systems Society
Research Interests: Nonlinear systems; networks; complex systems; nonlinear waves; mathematical biology; many other topics.
Awards/Honors: Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Faculty Mentoring Award (Advanced Career Category; Mathematics and Computer Science Division) (2017); SIGEST award from SIAM (for the paper “Core-Periphery Structure in Networks”, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014) (2017); Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) (nominated by Topical Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics) (2016); Departmental Teaching Award, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (2016); Finalist (of 4 total), Outstanding Supervisor (Division of Mathematical, Physical, and Life Sciences), Oxford University Student Union (OUSU) Teaching Awards (2016); Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics, German Physical Society (DPG) (2016); Whitehead Prize, London Mathematical Society (LMS) (2015); Erdös–Rényi Prize in Network Science, Network Science Society (2014); Zachary Karate Club Club Trophy (2013); Sigma Xi Young Investigator Award (2008); Project NExT Fellowship, via American Mathematical Society (AMS) (2003–2004); Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Student Paper Prize (2001); National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG; DoD) Fellowship (1998-2001).
Candidate Statement: I attended my first Snowbird conference in 1999, and it has been my "home conference" ever since. Regardless of which of us dons the official mantle of activity group Program Director, I look forward to working with Elaine Spiller on organizing the 2019 Snowbird conference. I plan to bring my energy, enthusiasm, and diverse interests and awareness of the subjects within the broad scope of dynamical systems. For example, there is a lot of exciting research on modeling of social dynamics and on incorporation of statistical ideas into studies of dynamics, and it would be great for these topics to represented among our invited speakers and minisymposia. I also hope that we can expand on the Mentoring Program and Student Icebreaker from DS17 for the next Snowbird conference.
Elaine Spiller, Marquette University
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Assoc. Professor, Marquette University (2015-present); Asst. Professor, Marquette University (2008-2015); Postdoctoral Fellow, SAMSI (2006-2008); Visiting Asst. Professor, University at Buffalo (2005-2006).
Education: Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University (2005); B.S in Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado (2000).
SIAM Activities or Roles:Vice Chair, SIAM Activity Group on Uncertainty Quantification (2017-2018).
Professional Memberships: SIAM, SIAGS: Computational Science and Engineering, Dynamical Systems, Geosciences, Mathematics of Planet Earth, Uncertainty Quantification.
Research Interests: data assimilation, geophysical hazards, nonlinear dynamics, rare events, uncertainty quantification.
Candidate Statement: It is an honor to be asked to co-chair the 2019 SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems. Every Snowbird I attend I am amazed at both the theoretical advances in dynamical systems and the wide variety of interesting applications to which these advances are applied. In my own research I have found working with domain scientists to be critical, not just in “solving” the problem at hand, but also in driving new mathematical ideas and techniques. The Snowbird meetings have always fostered this kind of synergy. Mason Porter and I are excited to keep up this tradition.
Anna Ghazaryan, Miami University, Oxford, OH
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, OH (2016- present); Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, OH (2010 - 2016); Robert D. Adams Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS (2008 - 2010); Research Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (2005-2008).
Education: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Mathematics, PhD 2005; American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, Earthquake Engineering, MS 1996; Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia, Mathematics, MS 1994; BA 1990.
SIAM Activities or Roles: Organizer/co-organizer of special sessions at SIAM conferences: Recent results on traveling waves in systems of PDEs, parts I-II, SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT, 2017; Existence and stability of nonlinear waves and patterns, parts I-IV, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Philadelphia, PA, 2016; Nonlinear waves in coupled systems, parts I-II, SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT, 2015; Spectral and geometric methods in stability of waves and patterns, parts I-V, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Cambridge, UK, 2014; Existence and stability of traveling wave solutions, SIAM conference on Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT, 2013; Existence and stability of nonlinear waves in coupled systems, parts I-III, SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT, 2011; Recent developments in analysis of traveling waves: theory and applications, parts I-II, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Philadelphia, PA, 2010; Stability of traveling waves, parts I-IV, Joint SIAM/RSME-SCM-SEMA Meeting on Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations, Barcelona, Spain, 2010; Traveling waves in engineering applications, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Rome, Italy, 2008; Existence, uniqueness and stability of combustion wavefronts, SIAM Conference on Application of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT, 2007; Various aspects of the stability of traveling waves, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Seattle, WA, 2006; Geometric singular perturbation theory and wave phenomena, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Boston, MA, 2006.
Professional Memberships: SIAM, AMS, AWM.
Research Interests: Applied dynamical systems, singularly perturbed systems, nonlinear waves, stability of waves.
Awards/Honors: NSF Research Grant DMS-1311313, PI, 2013-2016, extended till 07/31/2017. Project title: On three different manifestations of instability of fronts in parabolic and partially parabolic systems; Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians from Simons Foundation, 2012; NSF Research Grant DMS-0908009, PI, 2009-2011. Project title: Traveling fronts with unstable continuous spectrum: geometric structure and nonlinear stability properties.
Candidate Statement: It is an honor for me to be considered for a Secretary position of SIAG/DS. In 2005 I attended my first meeting in Snowbird as a graduate student and I haven’t missed any meetings since then. I often organize special sessions for this conference and I consider it a celebration of the diverse and vibrant SIAM/DS community.
If I were elected Secretary, it would provide me more opportunities to serve the Dynamical Systems activity group. I believe that my experience as Chair of AWM Mentor Network Committee (2010-2017) as well as my experience as a research advisor for undergraduate students in recent years would allow me to contribute to the enhancement of outreach features of DSWeb Magazine directed on increasing its audience and maintaining the diversity.
Korana Burke, University of California Davis
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Lecturer in the Math Department at University of California Davis (July 2017 – present); Educational postdoc working on developing Quantitative Biology major at University of California Davis (2014 - June 2017); University of California Davis Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow (2012 – 2014).
Education: PhD Physics and Chemistry, University of California Merced, 2011; B.A. Physics and Math, University of California Berkeley, 2002;
SIAM Activities or Roles: DSWeb Magazine Editor (2014 – present); SIAM News Editor (2015- present).
Professional Memberships: SIAM, APS.
Research Interests: Chaotic transport and mixing, information theory.
Awards/Honors: Educational Opportunity Program Mentorship Award (2017); University of California Davis Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012 – 2014); University of California President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship (2010-2011); University of California Merced’s Outstanding Graduate Student in Physics and Chemistry Award (2010).
Candidate Statement: SIAM organization and the Dynamical Systems Activity Group have played a large role in my career growth and development. Since joining SIAM in graduate school, I have benefited from the high quality journals and conferences, and from the sense of community SIAM built among its members. It is a privilege to participate in this community, especially through my work with the DSWeb Magazine. I have been part of the DSWeb Magazine editorial staff since July 2014 and have worked on the design of Magazine’s new web page as well as Student Feature creation.
SIAG on Dynamical Systems is one of the largest activity groups, but I believe we still have room to grow. As Activity Group Secretary, I would work to increase the size and diversity of our student membership. This can be accomplished through outreach, student prizes, and other programs which encourage engagement such as the DSWeb Student Features.
ADVISORY BOARD (5 positions)
Willy Govaerts, Ghent University
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: From 1973 to 2000 I held various full time research positions financed by the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research. During that period I was a Fulbright research scholar (January to July 78) at the State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, and an Alexander von Humboldt fellow (October 81 to September 82) at the Christian - Albrechts University at Kiel, Germany. My interests shifted from pure mathematics to numerical analysis and dynamical systems during a stay as an IBM grantee at University of Bristol, UK (September to December 1986) with John Pryce. From September to November I worked with John Guckenheimer as a Visiting Scientist at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. In October 2000 I became a full professor at Ghent University where I stayed to the official retirement age in September 2016, the last six years as the chairman of the department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Since that time my main interest is in dynamical systens research with emphasis on the development of the numerical bifurcation software package MatCont. I was or are the supervisor of 10 PhD theses and many master theses and bachelor projects. I taught courses on mathematical analysis, numerical linear algebra, numerical modeling and analysis of dynamical systems at Ghent University. I organized or co-organized several workshops on dynamical systems and was involved in dynamical systems and software courses at the universities of Utrecht (NL) and Hasselt (B).
Education: I obtained a master degree (1973) and a PhD degree (1976) in mathematics at Ghent University, Belgium.
SIAM Activities or Roles: I am a long-time member of SIAM and the Activity Group on Dynamical Systems. I am the author of the SIAM book ``Numerical methods for bifurcations of dynamical equilibria" (2000), was an editor of the SIAM journal on numerical analysis in 2007-2011, organizer of the minisymposium ``Computational Dynamical Systems Analysis" at the 2014 SIAM Annual meeting, and author of many papers in the SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems and other SIAM Journals. And of course I contributed to many SIAM meetings and acted as a referee for the SIAM journals on numerical analysis, scientific computing and applied dynamical systems.
Professional Memberships: SIAM, SIAM Activity group on dynamical systems, Society for Mathematical Biology, Belgian Mathematical Society, Fulbright Alumni Association Belgium.
Research Interests: The MatCont project started informally in 2001 as a loose collaboration with Yuri A. Kuznetsov (now at Utrecht University) and was later joined by Hil G.E. Meijer (now at Twente University, NL). It consists in the development of the two continuation and bifurcation packages MatCont (continuous systems) and MatContM (maps). The command-line versions of both are in a mature stage, though corrections and extensions are going on. MatContM also has a good recent GUI version. The GUI version of MatCont, though used most often, needs a revision and we are now working towards it. Applications in biology are of particular interest to me. MatCont and MatContM are since 2007 available via sourceforge. On August 14, 2017 the total number of downloads was 137,420. Most of them are (in that order) from the US, China, Germany and the UK with about 21 percent from the US.
Awards/Honors: Fulbrigt research scholar 1978; Alexander von Humboldt fellow (1981-1982); IBM grantee (1986).
Candidate Statement: I am definitely on the applied/numerical side of the dynamical systems
community, in fact on the software development side with a special interest in applications in biology. Fortunately, the interaction of this type of work with more theoretical work and the mutual appreciation are nowadays no longer a big problem. Still, I would like to encourage all initiatives that improve the interaction, e.g. by organizing workshops in which this interaction is emphasized and in which the need for the further development of software (non-smooth systems etcetera) could be clarified.
Lennaert van Veen, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Postdoctoral appointments at Kyoto University and La Trobe University, Assistant Professor at Concordia University, Associate Professor at UOIT.
Education: MSc. in Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam; PhD. in Applied Math at Utrecht University.
SIAM Activities or Roles: DSWeb Portal Editor-in-Chief (2010-2011), SIAG DS Secretary (2012-2013), Nominating Committee member (2013), DS track organiser for the 2014 Annual Meeting, Crawford Prize Committee member (2015), regular contributor to DSWeb Magazine and Snowbird minisymposium organiser.
Professional Memberships: SIAM, APS, OCNS, CAIMS.
Research Interests: Computational dynamical systems analysis, turbulence, neurodynamics.
Candidate Statement: The tasks and responsibilities of the Advisory Board are not so precisely defined. Its members are usually informed of important developments, such as the organisation and long-term planning of the biannual meeting, and occasionally their opinion is solicited. In my experience, however, both the SIAM and the DS officers are open to ideas and initiatives from the members. I think the Advisory Board can play an important role in formulating and communicating such input. If elected, I will try to play an active role in discussions around the future of the Group, its meetings, the Magazine, the student engagement and other issues as they come up. In addition, I represent some institutional memory, having served as Secretary and Magazine Editor.
Jean-Luc Thiffeault, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Professor, University of Wisconsin - Madison (2007-present); Lecturer and Reader, Imperial College London (2003-2007).
Education: PhD 1998, University of Texas at Austin.
SIAM Activities or Roles: J D Crawford Prize Committee (2013); SIAM Education Committee, (2013-2015).
Professional Memberships: SIAM, SIAG-DS (Lifetime Member); American Physical Society (Lifetime Member); American Mathematical Society.
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics; Dynamical Systems; Fluid Dynamics.
Awards/Honors: Hassan Aref Memorial Lecturer (2016); Lecturer, Complex and Dynamical Systems Summer Program (2016); Visiting Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge (2015); AMS Invited Address, SIAM Annual Meeting (2014); Plenary Speaker, AMS Central Section Meeting, (2014); Plenary Speaker, SIAM Snowbird Meeting (2013); SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize (2012).
Candidate Statement: SIAM is a vibrant community of researchers with a broad range of interests. Most of us cannot be sorted into unique bins, and it is important that the Dynamical Systems Activity Group adapt to trends while remaining anchored to its core strengths. In serving as a SIAG-DS officer I would strive to ensure that new and exciting areas are properly represented within the group, to make sure that we remain relevant both within SIAM and in the world at large. One way to do this is to encourage joint minisymposia both at the Snowbird and annual meetings that involve more than one SIAG.
Carlo Laing, Massey University
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Postdocs at University of Pittsburgh (1998-2000) and University of Ottawa (2000-2002); Lecturer (2002-2006), Senior Lecturer (2007-2012), Associate Professor (2013-2016), Professor (2017-) at Massey University, Auckland.
Education: BSc (1992) and MSc (1994) in Physics, University of Auckland. PhD (1997) in Applied Mathematics, University of Cambridge.
SIAM Activities or Roles: I have attended every Snowbird meeting since 1997 and five Life Sciences meetings. I am a frequent referee for SIAM journals and was a Red Sock Award judge in 2017.
Professional Memberships: NZMS, ANZIAM, SIAM.
Research Interests: Nonlinear dynamics, computational neuroscience.
Awards/Honors: Fellowship of NZMS (2016). J.H. Michell Medal (ANZIAM, outstanding young researcher, 2008).
Candidate Statement: I will work with the other Officers to ensure the ongoing success of the Snowbird meeting and the SIADS journal.
Barbara Gentz, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Professor, University of Bielefeld, Germany (2008-present); Associate Professor, University of Bielefeld (2006-2008); Research associate, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany (1998-2006); Postdoctoral associate, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (1996-1998).
Education: Habilitation, Technical University Berlin, Germany (2003); PhD, University of Zurich, Switzerland (1996); Diploma, Technical University Berlin, Germany (1990).
SIAM Activities or Roles: Associate Editor, SIADS (2012-present); Organizing Committee Member SIAM Conference on Applications in Dynamical Systems DS17 (2017).
Professional Memberships: American Mathematical Society (AMS); SIAM; SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems; German Mathematical Society (DMV); DMV-Interest Group for Probability and Statistics; DMV-Interest Group for Mathematical Physics; European Women in Mathematics (EWM).
Research Interests: Probability Theory; Stochastic Processes; Stochastic Differential Equations; Stochastic Analysis - and their use in analyzing Noise-Induced Phenomena in Dynamical Systems; Bifurcations; Networks; Metastability.
Candidate Statement: The SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems fosters a collaborative atmosphere which brings together people from different mathematical backgrounds, sharing their interest in the various aspects of dynamics. My own training is in probability theory, and I very much enjoyed the warm welcome I received from members of the Activity Group when I started working on the effect of noise on dynamical systems. It is this open-mindedness which is most effective in furthering any mathematical field, and my aim for the Activity Group is, on the one hand, to motivate more of our colleagues from other areas of mathematics to bring their expertise to bear on the development and application of new theory and methods for dynamical systems and, on the other hand, to encourage graduate students and young researchers to enter this exciting area of research.
Elizabeth Cherry, Rochester Institute of Technology
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Director, Ph.D. Program in Mathematical Modeling, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY (2016); Director, M.S. Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY (2015-2016); Associate Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY (2014- present); Assistant Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY (2010-2014); Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (2010-2012); Research Associate, Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (2006-2010); Research Scientist, Hofstra University Physics Department and Center for Arrhythmia Research, Hempstead, NY (2003-2006); Postdoctoral Researcher, Hofstra University Physics Department and Center for Arrhythmia Research, Hempstead, NY (2001-2003); Postdoctoral Researcher, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA (2000-2001).
Education: Ph.D., Computer Science, Duke University (2000); B.S., Mathematics and American Studies, Georgetown University (1993, summa cum laude).
SIAM Activities or Roles: SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Organizing Committee member (2017); SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Red Sock Awards judge (2017); DSWeb Portal editor-in-chief (2016-2017); DSWeb Magazine editor-in-chief (2014-2015); Secretary for Dynamical Systems Activity Group (2014-2015); SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems Minisymposium Organizer (2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2005); SIAM Conference on Life Sciences Minisymposium Organizer (2016, 2014, 2012, 2004); SIAM Annual Meeting Minisymposium Organizer (2003, 2000); SIAM Conference on Emerging Topics in Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Minisymposium Organizer (2010). Professional Memberships: SIAM, member of Dynamical Systems and Life Sciences Activity Groups Upstate New York Cardiac Electrophysiology Society.
Research Interests: Nonlinear dynamics, cardiac electrophysiology, mathematical biology, mathematical modeling, scientific computing.
Awards/Honors: Outstanding Student Mentor Award, College of Science, Rochester Institute of Technology (2016); Advocate for Minority Students & Faculty Award, School of Mathematical Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology (2015); Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award, School of Mathematical Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology (2014); Outstanding Referee for 2013, American Physical Society (2014); Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award, College of Science, Rochester Institute of Technology (2013); Honorable Mention for “Cardiac Bioelectricity and Arrhythmias,” National Science Foundation 2006 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge, Interactive Media Category, with Flavio H. Fenton (2006); Gordon K. Moe Young Investigator Award (American Heart Association and Upstate New York Cardiac Electrophysiology Society) (2003).
Candidate Statement: I have been deeply involved with the Dynamical System Activity Group for a number of years, and I am honored to be considered for this new role. If elected, I will continue to bring my experience and passion and to devote myself to helping our Activity Group be an important part of the lives of our official members as well as the members of our broader community. Particular areas I would like to emphasize are broadening participation through promoting diversity and inclusivity; fostering ties to other disciplines; and preparing undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs for the diverse employment opportunities available to 21st-century mathematicians.
Daniel M. Abrams, Northwestern University
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Professor (assistant then associate), Northwestern University Dep. of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (2009-Present), and by courtesy, Dep. of Physics and Astronomy (2013-Present); Faculty member, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (2011-Present); Fulbright Foundation Scholar, Cusco, Peru (2010); NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Math Sciences, MIT Dep. Of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (2006–2009). Earlier affiliations at Seoul National University Dep. of Physics and Astronomy, S. Korea; Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark; US Antarctic Program Project S-157, Siple Coast, Antarctica; MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Education: B.S. in Applied Physics, Caltech (1996-2000); Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University (2001-2006); Postdoc: MIT Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (NSF math sciences fellow), 2006-2009.
SIAM Activities or Roles: Co-editor-in-chief of SIAM Dynamical Systems magazine and DSWeb web site (2016-present); Faculty advisor, Northwestern University SIAM student chapter (2011-present); Reviewer for SIAM J. Appl. Math., J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., J. Math. Anal. (2010-present); Snowbird DS conference speaker (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017).
Professional Memberships: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) (2001-present); American Physical Society (APS) (1999-present); American Geophysical Union (AGU) (2007-2012).
Research Interests: Three broad categories: (1) synchronization/networks of coupled oscillators; (2) mathematical models of social systems; (3) mathematical geoscience. Recent topics of research include the origin of left-handedness, the geographic dispersal of surnames over time, the rise of religious non-affiliation, and puzzling partially-synchronized oscillatory patterns known as chimera states.
Awards/Honors: James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar (2010-2015), Searle Teaching Fellow (2011-2012), Fulbright Scholar (2010), US ED Foreign Language Area Study Grantee (2003), Eagle Scout (1996).
Candidate Statement: Applied mathematicians can be found in a variety of academic departments, government labs and industrial research facilities. SIAM should strive to provide venues (both physical and electronic) where all these people can come together to meet and exchange ideas. In particular, as a member of the advisory board on dynamical systems, I'd like to help with the following: (1) Strengthen DSweb as a medium for diffusion of new software, movies, and visualizations; (2) Develop short online modules to help students and researchers overcome barriers to learning ideas and jargon of a new field; (3) Identify and compile a list of core concepts in applied mathematics that should be a part of most dynamical systems educational programs.
Hiroshi Kokubu, Kyoto University
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Japan Agency of Science and Technology, PRESTO Program director (2014-present); JSIAM Representative for ICIAM Board Meeting (2013-present); Professor, Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University (2006-present); Visiting Senior Research Scientist, Georgia Institute of Technology (1997- 1998); Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University (1995- 2006); Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University (1990-1995); JSPS Junior Science Research Fellow (1988-1990).
Education: D.Sc., Kyoto University (1988); M.S., Kyoto University (1984).
SIAM Activities or Roles: Member, SIADS Editorial Board (2007-present).
Professional Memberships: SIAM, JSIAM, MSJ.
Research Interests: Dynamical Systems.
Awards/Honors: JJIAM Best Paper Award (2017).
Candidate Statement: I consider one of the unique characters of the dynamical systems research is a lively interaction between deep insights from mathematical theory and many exciting ideas from various different fields of Natural and Life Sciences, Engineering, and so on, as have been observed at the Snowbird Conferences. In order to keep this great interaction of research in SIAG-DS activities, I believe it is very important to encourage pure mathematicians participate and communicate with researchers having diverse backgrounds and interests. Given a chance, I would like to help further promoting, in the area of dynamical systems, such interaction between pure mathematics and diverse disciplines. Having prior experiences of organizing several international dynamical systems conferences, I would like to do my best for maintaining and extending the high quality and strong impact of the Snowbird conference, and for increasing the amount of international participation.
Jonathan E. Rubin, University of Pittsburgh
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh (2008-present); Visiting Professor, Computational and Systems Biology, University of Pittsburgh (2008-present); Graduate Training Faculty, Center for Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh (2002-present); Previous positions: Associate Professor & Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh (2000-2008); National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University (1998-2000); Zassenhaus Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University (1996-1998).
Education: Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Brown University; B.S. in Mathematics, The College of William and Mary.
SIAM Activities or Roles: Chair, Jürgen Moser Lecture Selection Committee, SIAG/DS (2017); Program Committee, SIAM Workshop on Network Science (2017); SIADS Editorial Board (2015-present); SIAP Editorial Board (2012-present); Chair, SIAG/LS (2011-2012); Organizing Committee, SIAM Annual Meeting (2009); Program Director, SIAG/LS (2007-2008); Minisymposium organizer for SIAG/DS (2017, 2015, 2011, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001); SIAG/Control (2017), SIAG/LS (2016, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2004), and SIAM Annual (2002) Meetings.
Professional Memberships: SIAG/DS; SIAG/LS; SIAM; MAA; SFN (Society for Neuroscience); APS (American Physiological Society).
Research Interests: Multiple timescale phenomena; mathematical neuroscience including network dynamics, rhythm generation/control, and model reduction; mathematical biology; parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification.
Candidate Statement: I have been doing research in dynamical systems and its applications for over 20 years, I have attended 11 Snowbird meetings, and I have served with SIAM in a variety of capacities including as a SIADS Editorial Board member and as Chair of the SIAG/LS. As a SIAG/DS advisory board member, I would use the varied experience and broad perspective that I have gained to provide reasoned, creative advice and to help our SIAG to continue on its positive trajectory. I do believe that the SIAG/DS is already functioning well, as evidenced by the success of our biennial Snowbird meeting; our awarding of prizes spanning a range of career stages (the Red Sock Awards, J.D. Crawford Prize, and Jürgen Moser Lecture); and the exciting evolution of the DS Web portal. Part of our strength comes from the opportunities that we provide to younger members, such as the lively poster sessions at Snowbird (expanded to two sessions at the latest meeting!) and the DS Web Student Competition. Maintaining this focus should be a high priority for our SIAG, perhaps through the staging of additional student/postdoc-friendly events at Snowbird, modeled after the Student Days events at the SIAM Annual Meetings. Another direction that I would like to see for the SIAG/DS would be to promote expanded interdisciplinary, international, and industry participation. I think that the opportunity to engage with diverse perspectives and ideas represents a great asset to researchers focusing on applications of dynamical systems. Finally, connecting the themes of supporting trainees and engaging diverse dynamical systems communities, we should provide opportunities for students and postdocs to learn about professional opportunities for dynamical systems researchers in industry.
Joceline Lega, University of Arizona
Personal Web Page URL:
Professional Experience: University of Arizona: Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Public Health (2017-); Professor, Mathematics and GIDP in Applied Mathematics (2006-); Coordinator, Postdoctoral Mentoring Program, Mathematics (2016-); Director, Institute for Mathematics and Education (2009-2013); Director, Program in Integrated Science (2008-2011); Associate Professor (2000-2006); Assistant Professor (1997-2000). CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research): Researcher 1 (1993-97); Researcher 2 (1989-1993). Editor-in-Chief, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (2008-). Associate Editor, Nonlinearity (2004-15).
Education: Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris (Physics; 1984-88); University Pierre et Marie curie, Paris (Licence (B.S): 1985; Maitrise (M.S): 1985); University of Nice (DEA on Dynamical Systems and Turbulence: 1986; Doctorat (PhD) in Theoretical Physics: 1989).
SIAM Activities or Roles: SIAG on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures: Secretary (2004-06); Nominating Committee (2006 (Chair); 2012; 2014); Kruskal Lecture Prize Selection Committee (2011). AWM-SIAM Kovalevsky Lecture Prize Selection Committee (2007; 2008 (Chair)).
Professional Memberships: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, 1998-); American Mathematical Society (2004-14); Institute of Physics (UK, 2004-); SIAM (2000-).
Research Interests: Modeling of nonlinear phenomena, with applications to physics and biology; Pattern formation and instabilities; Dynamics and stability of coherent structures.
Awards/Honors: First place, DARPA Forecasting Chikungunya Challenge, May 2015. Fellow of the Institute of Physics, 2004. UA Department of Mathematics Lovelock Award, 2006. National Academies Education Fellow in the Life Sciences for 2005-2006.
Candidate Statement: I am running for membership on the Advisory Board of the SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems. This is a diverse, well established, and energetic group that has become an exceptional forum to exchange ideas on all aspects of evolving nonlinear systems. I was particularly impressed by the number of students attending the last Snowbird conference and by how much the meeting helped them engage and feel welcome in our community. If elected, I will enthusiastically support initiatives that promote student engagement, diversity, and trans-disciplinary efforts.