Assembled by Jens Rademacher
The Crawford prize winner in 2011 is Eric Vanden-Eijnden, Courant Institute of Mathematics Sciences, New York University, USA. For his transformative work in stochastic dynamical systems, stimulating new ideas in applied and computational mathematics while also impacting applications.
The committee recognized that Eric van den Eijnden is a leader in the area of stochastic dynamical systems, with contributions to analysis and computations in the areas of rare events driven by noise, multiscale stochastic dynamics, and stochastic resonance. In addition, his work has impact in the relevant application fields, including chemistry, biology, material science, atmospheric science, and engineering. His work is particularly impressive as it crosses boundaries between mathematics and application domains, simultaneously developing and stimulating new ideas in applied and computational mathematics, whilst also reaching out to the applications.
(Committee members: Rachel Kuske (Chair), University of British Columbia, Canada
Konstantin Mischaikow, Rutgers University;
Mary C. Pugh, University of Toronto, Canada;
Alastair Rucklidge, University of Leeds, UK;
Arnd Scheel, University of Minnesota)
The Jürgen Moser lecture in 2011 was held by James A. Yorke, University of Maryland, College Park, USA. His lecture was titled `The many facets of chaos'.
(Committee members: John Mallet-Paret (Chair), Brown University;
Robert Devaney, Boston University;
Martin Golubitsky, Ohio State University;
Robert MacKay, University of Warwick, UK;
Laurette Tuckerman, PMMH-ESPCI, France)
The `Red Sock Poster Awards' reciepients in 2011 are
- Sayanti Banerjee, Ohio State University, `Mixed Mode Oscillations in a Gnrh Neuron Model'
- Chris Howcroft, University of Bristol, `Analysis of the Shimmy Phenomenon in Aircraft Main Landing Gears'
- Kenneth Nielsen, Roskilde University, `Discovering Novel Treatment Strategies for Type 1 Diabetes Through Mathematical Modeling'
- Yunhan Long, College of William and Mary, `Interaction of Epedemic and Information Spreading in Adaptive Networks'
- Jinendrika Weliwita, University of Leeds, `Spiral Defect Chaos and Skew-Varicose Instability of 2D Generalized Swift-Hohenburg Model Equations'
(Judges: Margaret Beck,
John Burke,
Anne Catlla,
Paul Glendinning,
Steve Houghton,
James Meiss,
Jeff Moehlis,
Claire Postlethwaite,
Eric Shea-Brown,
Jim Yorke)