Back in the January 2018 issue of DSWeb, we invited students and faculty to enter a new competition for software on dynamical systems theory and its applications. The goal of the contest was to promote the development of novel and creative software-based methods to analyze dynamical systems. Existing software in our large collection currently includes algorithms to examine the dynamic behavior of deterministic and stochastic ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, and maps along with bifurcation behavior, network interactions, time series, and much more.
The submission deadline was June 30, 2018 (extended), and the selection committee, consisting of Bard Ermentrout, Abouzar Kaboudian, James Meiss, Peter van Heijster, and Lennaert van Veen, evaluated the exciting submissions.
The winners of the DSWeb Software Contest 2018 are as follows:
Winning entries were selected based on factors including ease of installation, ease of use, expected impact, genericity and complexity of the type of problem the software can tackle, and quality of documentation. Software packages submitted with major upgrades were allowed to compete and were evaluated regarding their upgrades only.
Each winner will receive a prize of $500 and a SIAM-DS certificate.
All submissions will be published in the DSWeb Software section, including the runners-up: DifferentialEquations.jl, EMBER (Emergence and Macroscopic Behavioural ExtRaction), tikz-network, pde2path, ARNI (Algorithm for Revealing Network Interactions), CIVET (Current-Inspired Visualization and Evaluation of the TASEP), LAPM/CompartmentalSystems/bc-md, and Classify Chimeras.
We thank all those who submitted new or updated software and urge readers to watch for an announcement regarding the upcoming Software Tutorials contest in the near future.