2018: The Editorial Transition

By Daniel Abrams, Anna Ghazaryan, Korana Burke, and Mason Porter

As you probably know, once every two years, following the election of the new SIAG DS officers, the editorial board of the Dynamical Systems Web undergoes a transition. This year Mason Porter and Danny Abrams pass the baton to the team of two new magazine section chief editors, Anna Ghazaryan and Korana Burke. The current issue is a product of joint efforts of both teams.  As always, DSWeb publication would not happen without input from our readers; it is truly a baby of the Dynamical Systems community. 

We use this article as an opportunity to introduce the incoming magazine section chief editors and as an opportunity for outgoing section chief editors to say goodbyes.

Korana Burke has been involved with DSWeb for a number of years and if you still don’t know her, you can read her old introductory editorial from the October 2014 issue.

Anna Ghazaryan (PhD, 2005, The Ohio State University) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Her research interests are in dynamics of reaction-diffusion equations, partly parabolic systems, singularly perturbed systems, and, in particular, existence and stability of nonlinear waves. Her hobby is organizing special sessions at SIAM conferences.

Korana and Anna are planning to maintain the presence of the SIAG DS on social media so skillfully established by Mason and Danny (Twitter @DynamicsSIAM; Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DynamicalSystemsSIAM/).  Please use these venues to share news or any information that you think is of interest to members of our SIAG.

A few words from the outgoing magazine section chief editors:

Mason: I have enjoyed working with the rest of the team on DSWeb during the last couple of years. I'll be stepping down from direct DSWeb involvement, but I'll still be involved as co-organizer of the 2019 Snowbird conference.

Danny: I've also enjoyed my time working on DSWeb's Dynamical Systems magazine.  As Anna and Korana take over the magazine, I'll remain involved as co-portal-editor-in-chief of DSWeb, together with Elizabeth Cherry (who was until recently sole PEiC).

Publication of DSWeb's Dynamical Systems magazine is a collective effort. We would like to acknowledge the dedication and efforts of the whole team which currently includes Daniele Avitabile, James Bagrow, Erik Bollt, Anne Catlla, Elizabeth Cherry, Chris Elmer, Theodore Kolokolnikov, Erik Martens, James Meiss, Takashi Nishikawa, Jens Rademacher, Alena Talkachova, and of course our DSWeb Portal Administrator James Haines. 

Please consider contributing an article or a review, using us for advertisement of conferences and events, and, in general, please think about DSWeb as your own magazine, published by and for the members of the Dynamical Systems Community.

Categories: Editorial

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