The future of Snowbird

The future of Snowbird

The bi-annual meeting of our AG will take place in Snowbird, Utah, this spring. The 2015 meeting will also be held there, but the location of the 2017 meeting has not been decided yet. One option is, obviously, for the AG to renew its contract with Snowbird and continue a tradition that started twenty years ago. However, over the years the character, scope and size of the meeting have changed, and some feel that the expiry of the current contract is a good opportunity to look for alternatives. Since this is a matter that affects most of our members, the DSWeb Magazine team will use the Editorial to open a discussion, in the hope that some concensus can be found in May.



Tradition wants it that we spend several years abroad as postdocs after finishing our PhD, and look for more permanent positions across the globe. This often leads to issues collectively known as "n-body problems" - where n>1. Your Portal-Editor-in-Chief ups the ante by becoming father while moving down under.

Publication price and value

Publication price and value

The Elsevier boycott call has opened another round in the debate on subscription costs, publisher profit and open access. Let's have a peek.
The spring editorial by former Editor-in-Chief Jens Rademacher.

Death Knell for the Lecture (and Conference)?

Death Knell for the Lecture (and Conference)?

Will scientific meetings and lectures move online in the near future? Editorial by Krešimir Josić


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