emgr - EMpirical GRamian Framework

emgr - EMpirical GRamian Framework

Compute empirical system Gramian matrices that quantify controllability, observability, minimality or identifiability of nonlinear input-output systems.



Honorable Mention - DSWeb 2019 Tutorials on DS Software Contest, Student Category

BarrierTool is a MATLAB package for the objective (observer-independent), automated identification of transport barriers in two-dimensional flows.

CMlib - Cell Mapping Algorithms in C++ (A Short Guide)

CMlib - Cell Mapping Algorithms in C++ (A Short Guide)

Runner-up - DSWeb 2019 Tutorials on DS Software Contest, Student Category

Library of cell mapping methods for the global analysis of dynamical systems.

JuliaDynamics - Tutorials

JuliaDynamics - Tutorials

Runner-up - DSWeb 2019 Tutorials on DS Software Contest, Student Category

Tutorials (videos, notebooks, documentation pages) that have been produced to guide the users of the JuliaDynamics organization into not only being able to use the packages provided, but also to be able to understand and study dynamical systems in depth.

Brain Dynamics Toolbox - Getting Started

Brain Dynamics Toolbox - Getting Started

Honorable Mention - DSWeb 2019 Tutorials on DS Software Contest, Junior Faculty Category

This is a beginner-level training course for the Brain Dynamics Toolbox.


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