Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Feedforward Neural Network Perspectives

Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Feedforward Neural Network Perspectives

Author: Irwin Sandberg et. al.
Reviewer: Claire Postlethwaite

6th Crimean School and Workshops on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications

6th Crimean School and Workshops on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications

Report on the meeting "Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications" held at Hotel Mellas in Crimea, Ukraine on 15-26 May 2006.

Dynamical Systems Weekend

Dynamical Systems Weekend

A dynamical systems conference was held in Columbia, Missouri during 19-21 May 2006 in honor of Carmen Chicone's 60th birthday.

Special issue of SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

Special issue of SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

Call for papers for the special issue of SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization on Control and Optimization in Cooperative Networks; submission deadline November 1, 2006.

Making a career in Sydney, Australia

Making a career in Sydney, Australia

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