Caltech Program in Control and Dynamical Systems
By jimg
This program offers an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program that provides rigorous training in mathematics, dynamics, and control, coupled with intensive study of application areas in science and engineering. The program offers a unique combination of analytical, computational, and experimental activities, and connects to diverse research across the Caltech campus.
Joint advising among multiple faculty is common. Several courses are offered to help students explore new application domains in Biology, Physics, Computer Science, Communications, Environmental Science, and other areas. Students in the CDS program are expected to have exceptional analytical capabilities, combined with solid domain knowledge in at least one application area.
There are currently 20 graduate students enrolled in the program, along with approximately 10 postdocs and 6 visitors (long and short term). The program has graduated 13 Ph.D. students since 1996, with 9 in academia (including 6 in tenure track positions at U. Penn, ETH, UCLA, UIUC, U. Maryland, and Stanford) and 4 in industry.