Graduate (MAGIC) course Dynamical Systems II: Maps

By Toby Hall and Lasse Rempe-Gillen
Graduate (MAGIC) course Dynamical Systems II: Maps
Access course material through the website. The material was used to deliver the module MAGIC060 online via "Access Grid" technology. The course was developed originally by Toby Hall and taught in 2013 by Lasse Rempe-Gillen, on behalf of the EPSRC-funded MAGIC (Mathematics Access Grid Instruction and Collaboration) network. The support of EPSRC for the Magic network is gratefully acknowledged. 

The course materials include slides that are projected during lectures, and handouts of these slides that can be read off-line. There are some exercises and an official examination available that can test your understanding of these resources. The material is arranged into 10 lectures. An online bibliography provides additional references and some web-links for programs that allow computer experiments.

The course aims to give an overview and introduction to a number of topics in discrete one-dimensional topological dynamics (symbolic dynamics; unimodal maps; the horseshoe map; complex dynamics) rather than to treat any one concept in great detail. Proofs are usually omitted in favour of broad ideas and motivation, unless they are considered to be particularly enlightening.
Author Institutional Affiliation
Toby Hall and Lasse Rempe-Gillen
Tutorial LevelAdvanced Tutorial
Contest EntryYes

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