Mihai Anitescu
Argonne National Laboratory & University of Chicago
Mihai Anitescu is being recognized for contributions to the modeling, theory, and practice of optimization. |
Francesco Bullo
University of California Santa Barbara
Francesco Bullo is being recognized for contributions to geometric control, distributed control, and network systems with application to robotic coordination, power grids, and social networks.
José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata
Imperial College London
José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata is being recognized for his outstanding contributions to applied mathematics in complex particle dynamics and service to the Applied Mathematics Community of the European Mathematical Society. |
Stephen Jonathan Chapman
University of Oxford
Stephen J. Chapman is being recognized for his outstanding contributions to physical and biological modeling as well as for his asymptotic methods development in applied mathematics. |
Wolfgang A. Dahmen
University of South Carolina Columbia
Wolfgang Dahmen is being recognized for contributions to numerical methods for partial differential equations, signal processing, and learning. |
Roger G. Ghanem
University of Southern California
Roger G. Ghanem is being recognized for his seminal contributions to the mathematical foundations of uncertainty quantification methods. |
Sigal Gottlieb
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Sigal Gottlieb is being recognized for her contribution to strong-stability-preserving time discretizations and other schemes for hyperbolic equations, and for her professional services including those to SIAM and women in mathematics. |
Gitta Kutyniok
Technische Universitat Berlin
Gitta Kutyniok is being recognized for contributions to applied harmonic analysis, compressed sensing, and imaging sciences. |
Irena Lasiecka
University of Memphis
Irena Lasiecka is being recognized for fundamental contributions to control theory of partial differential equations and their dissemination through numerous invited talks, administrative positions in professional societies, and the mentoring of many PhD students and postdoctoral associates. |
Jill C. Pipher
Brown University
Jill C. Pipher is being recognized for her profound contributions in analysis and partial differential equations, groundbreaking work in public key cryptography, and outstanding scientific leadership. |
Mason A. Porter
University of California Los Angeles
Mason A. Porter is being recognized for contributions to diverse problems and applications in networks, complex systems, and nonlinear systems. |
Sebastian Reich
Universität Potsdam
Sebastian Reich is being recognized for incisive contributions to the field of computational differential equations, and applications in molecular dynamics and data assimilation. |
Jun Zou
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jun Zou is being recognized for contributions to numerical methods and analyses of direct and inverse problems of partial differential equations.