Last year, SIAG DS elected new SIAG DS officers for the 2022-2023 term. As a result, the new secretary of the SIAG, Zack Kilpatrick (CU Boulder), will assume the role of section chief editor of DSWeb magazine, replacing co-section chief editors Robby Marangell (U Sydney) and Korana Burke (UC Davis) in that capacity. He will share this position with Jan Sieber (U Exeter). Below is a statement from the outgoing magazine section chief editors and an introduction of the new editorial team.
Robby Marangell: Over the past two years, along with the rest of the DSWeb team, we have endeavored to bring you stories of exciting new research in dynamical systems of broad interest, both in terms of short, digestible research articles and also connecting you with the latest perspective articles from SIAM News. We have worked to have DSWeb support the research careers of junior researchers, women, and other members of underrepresented groups through research highlights. I would like to thank Korana Burke and James Haines, without whom none of the issues in these last two years would have been possible, and to thank everyone who contributed to the magazine. I look forward to continuing to serve DSWeb as Portal Editor-in-Chief, and am happy to be working with the new team.
Korana Burke (UC Davis): I have been involved with DSWeb since 2014 and if you still don’t know me, you can read my old introductory editorial from the October 2014 issue. I will continue to help occasionally with the Student Feature as well as educational pieces as the new editorial team ramps up.
Zack Kilpatrick is an associate professor at the University of Colorado Boulder in the Applied Mathematics department. His research interests are in the fields of applied dynamical systems and mathematical neuroscience. He uses methods in stochastic processes, applied PDE, and asymptotic analysis to develop, analyze, and fit mathematical models of decision-making, short term memory, and foraging.
Jan Sieber is an associate professor at the University of Exeter in the Mathematics department and is a member of the Centre for Systems, Dynamics, and Control. His research interests are in the fields of nonlinear dynamics, control, and climate modeling. He uses methods from delay differential equations, bifurcation analysis, and optimization to analyze problems in climate tipping, network dynamics, and feedback control.
For those who use social media, we report that SIAG DS maintained its presence on social media: on Twitter (run by Mason Porter) @DynamicsSIAM; and Facebook (run by Anna Ghazaryan) Please use these accounts to share any information of interest to members of SIAG DS.
We would like to acknowledge the dedication and efforts of the whole DSWeb team which currently includes Anna Ghazaryan, James Haines, James Meiss, Mason Porter, Alena Talkachova, Christopher Elmer, Theodore Kolokolnikov, Erik Martens, Takashi Nishikawa, Daniele Avitabile, Anne Catlla, and James Bagrow.
We will provide more information about some transitions in section editor leadership in the April 2022 issue.
DSWeb is published by and for the members of the Dynamical Systems Community. Please initiate a conversation, contribute an article, a review, a report or advertisement of a conference or other event.