67th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD)
took place 23-25 November 2014 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. The local organizing committee included delegates from many nearby institutions: Stanford University, University of California Berkeley, Santa Clara University, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and NASA Ames Research Center. The meeting continues to grow, with this year featuring more than 2800 presentation abstracts.
As always, most presentations at the meeting were 10-minute contributed talks, this year organized into 282 sessions. Their topics spanned the entire range of fluid dynamics research, including many of interest to the dynamical systems community. Four sessions had "nonlinear dynamics" in their title and featured work on coherent structures, chaos, and model reduction. Twenty-four sessions considered instabilities of various sorts, from boundary layers and interfaces to multiphase flow to instability control. Other popular session topics included drops, biofluids and swimming, geophysical fluid dynamics and rotating flow, turbulence, energy applications, and methods for both experiments and numerical simulations.
Awards were presented at the meeting as well. The Fluid Dynamics Prize recognizes major contributions to fundamental fluid dynamics during a career of outstanding work, and it went this year to Genevieve Comte-Bellot of Ecole Centrale de Lyon, who presented the talk "Turbulence and aeroacoustics." The Stanley Corrsin Award recognizes a particularly influential contribution to fundamental fluid dynamics and went this year to Eberhard Bodenschatz of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, who presented the talk "Lagrangian measurements in turbulence: From fundamentals to applications." The Francois N. Frenkiel Award recognizes significant contributions published during the preceding year by young investigators; this year's recipients were Benjamin D. Mater, Simon M. Schaad, and Subhas Karan Venayagamoorthy of Colorado State University. The Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award provides recognition for doctoral thesis work of outstanding scientific quality in the area of fluid dynamics and went this year to Eric Vandre of the University of Minnesota, who presented the talk "Onset of dynamics wetting failure—The mechanics of high-speed fluid displacement." Nineteen new APS Fellows were also recognized.
In addition to contributed talks, the packed three-day program included 10 invited sessions, two poster sessions, exhibits from journals and suppliers, the conference banquet dinner, and the popular Gallery of Fluid Motion. This year's Gallery winners included a high-speed video of raindrops impacting a sandy surface, a video showing droplets broken up by high-power laser pulses, and four other videos. In the poster category, the six Gallery winners addressed topics including vortex shedding in soap films, Leidenfrost, and two-dimensional flames.
The 68th APS-DFD will take place 22-24 November 2015 in Boston.
Douglas Kelley