CONTENT is a multi-platform interactive environment to study dynamical systems. It is designed to perform simulation, continuation, and normal form analysis of dynamical systems appearing in research and engineering. The current version supports bifurcation analysis of ODEs, iterated maps, and evolution PDEs in the unit interval.
CONTENT provides: on-line specification and updating of the dynamical systems (e.g., RHS); symbolic generation of derivatives of RHS; visualization of the solutions in multiple 2D and 3D graphic windows, as well as in the numerical form; PostScript hardcopy; storage, import and export of dynamical systems and computed curves in a platform-independent format; on-line hypertext help with figures.
CONTENT runs on SGI, Sun, HP, DEC Alpha, IBM RS-6000, and IBM PCs (both Windows and Linux).
Keywords | Bifurcation analysis, Continuation, Visualization |
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References to Papers |
- W. Govaerts, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, and B. Sijnave,
"Implementation of Hopf and double Hopf continuation using bordering methods"
ACM Trans. Math. Software 24 (1998), 418-436
- W. Govaerts, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, and B. Sijnave,
Continuation of codimension-2 equilibrium bifurcations in CONTENT.
In: Doedel, E. and Tickerman, L.S. (eds.) "Numerical methods for Bifurcation
Problems and Large-Scale Dynamical Systems", Springer-Verlag, New York, 2000, 163-184
- W. Govaerts, YU.A. Kuznetsov, and B. Sijnave,
Bifurcations of maps in the software package CONTENT.
In: Ganzha, V.G, Mayr, E.W., and Vorozhtsov, E.V. (eds.) "Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing", Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999, 191-206
- Yu.A. Kuznetsov, V.V. Levitin, and A.R. Skovoroda (1996)
"Continuation of stationary solutions to evolution problems in CONTENT"
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands Report AM-R9611
- V.V. Levitin (1995)
"Computation of functions and their derivatives in CONTENT"
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam,
The Netherlands Report AM-R9512
- Yu.A. Kuznetsov (2000)
NLDV Computer sessions. Academic year 1999-2000.
Mathematical Institute, Utrecht University, The Netherlands