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New American Physical Society Fellows and Prize Winners Include Dynamical-Systems Experts

DSWeb Congratulates the 2017 APS Fellows and the Spring 2018 APS Prize Winners

By Mason A. Porter
New American Physical Society Fellows and Prize Winners Include Dynamical-Systems Experts

DSWeb congratulates 2017 American Physical Society (APS) Fellows!  Special congratulations to those who are part of the Topical Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics, which includes many applied mathematicians and members of SIAM.

We have surely omitted (unintentionally) others who do work in dynamics and related subjects, so please comment on this article with others to highlight.  The full list of 2017 APS fellows is available on the APS website.

Chris Adami, Michigan State University
Citation: For the development of novel methods to study evolution using digital experimentation, as well as contributions to the use of information theory to understand biological systems.

Thomas L. Carroll, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Citation: For research in nonlinear dynamics including experimental detection of transient chaos in magnetic spin-wave materials, synchronization of chaotic systems, applications of chaos to communications and radar, and the application of phase space techniques to signal analysis.

Jeff Eldredge, University of California, Los Angeles
Citation: For significant contributions to the computational and theoretical modeling of vortex dynamics including agile flight and bio-inspired locomotion, fluid-structure interaction, flow-acoustic interaction, and vortex models and particle methods.

Michelle Girvan, University of Maryland
Citation: For seminal contributions to the nonlinear and statistical physics of complex networks, including the characterization of network structures and dynamics, and interdisciplinary applications.

Ramin Golestanian, University of Oxford
Citation: For theoretical research on dynamical fluctuation forces and swimming at a low Reynolds number.

Björn Hof, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Citation: For innovative experiments illuminating the nonlinear structures within shear turbulence, providing a precise, quantitative characterization of the onset of turbulence in pipe and related flows.

William Thomas Mark Irvine, University of Chicago
Citation: For experiments and theory on the topological aspects of fluid dynamics and mechanical metamaterials.

Neil F. Johnson, University of Miami
Citation: For significant advancements involving the application and implementation of new methods for complex systems and networks, including topics in human conflict, terrorism, and financial market instabilities.

Lou Kondic, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Citation: For understanding of complex fluid dynamics, from thin films to granular flows.

Stefan Gregory Llewellyn Smith, University of California, San Diego
Citation: For excellence in theoretical fluid mechanics and applied mathematics that has led to several original contributions in geophysical flows and vortex dynamics.

Wolfgang Losert, University of Maryland–College Park
Citation: For imaginative studies of complex living systems, and for numerous contributions to understanding dynamical properties of complex systems at the convergence of physics, materials science, and biology.

Corey Shane O'Hern, Yale University
Citation: For computational and theoretical studies elucidating the microstate statistics, protocol dependence, and structure of the configuration space of jammed packings.

Pedro M. Reis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For contributions to the field of extreme mechanics, including elastic instabilities and geometrical nonlinearities.

DSWeb also congratulates the recipients of the Spring 2018 prizes from the APS. We highlight the following scientists, who do work related to dynamical systems. The full list of prize recipients is available from the APS press release.

Joseph A. Burton Forum Award
Neil F. Johnson, University of Miami, “for his important contributions using physics to broaden scientific and public understanding of asymmetric conflict, terrorism, and instabilities in sociotechnical systems.”

Max Delbrück Prize in Biological Physics
William S. Bialek, Princeton University, “for the application of general theoretical principles of physics and information theory to help understand and predict how biological systems function across a variety of scales, from molecules and cells, to brains and animal collectives.”

Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics
Barry Simon, Caltech/IBM Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Emeritus, “for his fundamental contributions to the mathematical physics of quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and statistical mechanics, including spectral theory, phase transitions, and geometric phases, and his many books and monographs that have deeply influenced generations of researchers.”

Maria Goeppert Mayer Award
M. Lisa Manning, Syracuse University, “for her use of computational and analytical tools to develop microscopic understanding of flow in disordered materials, ranging from metallic glasses to biological tissues.”

Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics
Hans Herrmann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), “for the groundbreaking contributions in developing novel computational methods in complex systems, fracture mechanics, and granular media.”

Categories: Articles, Announcements

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