DSWeb Dynamical Systems Software aims to collect all available software on dynamical systems theory. This project was originally launched during the special year Emerging Applications of Dynamical Systems, 1997/1998, at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. The information here includes functionality, platforms, languages, references, and contacts.

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Renewing SIAM membership

By Korana Burke


If you have been distracted with pandemic, social justice, natural disasters, and various other world events, you might have missed emails about renewing SIAM membership. Dynamical Systems is a big part of SIAM and SIAM supports various activities of the SIAG DS. This is a gentle reminder to renew your SIAM membership and to remind your colleagues and students to do the same.

Here is to hoping we won't have to wait much longer to see each other in person at one of the many SIAM conferences.

Categories: Magazine, Articles

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