CODEE - Community of Ordinary Differential Equation Educators

CODEE - Community of Ordinary Differential Equation Educators

Bob Borrelli of Harvey Mudd College introduces the NSF-funded online repository of materials related to the teaching and learning of ordinary differential equations.

Thomas Wagenknecht 1974 - 2012

Thomas Wagenknecht 1974 - 2012

On Saturday April 28, 2012 we lost our colleague and friend Thomas Wagenknecht. Jürgen Knobloch commemorates Thomas.

The future of higher education

The future of higher education

State funding for public universities and the proportion of tenure/tenure-track faculty at institutions of higher learning is decreasing. Here are some thoughts and a collection of links that deal with the future of our profession.

Interview with Sebius Doedel on the occasion of his 65th birthday

Interview with Sebius Doedel on the occasion of his 65th birthday

Exactly four years ago, DSWeb Magazine published an interview with Sebius Doedel, author of over seventy research papers and creator of the widely used software package AUTO. Last week, we caught up with him and raised the glass to an occasion Sebius was planning to let pass quietly...

Enjoying a small college

Enjoying a small college

Aaron Hoffman shares his impressions on teaching and doing research at Olin College, a one of a kind undergraduate, engineering-only college whose brand centers around project-based learning.
