Understanding Sensory Induced Hallucinations

Understanding Sensory Induced Hallucinations

Rachel Nicks explains how visual hallucinations can emerge as spatiotemporal dynamics of neuronal networks described by amplitude equations.

Dynamics-based Machine Learning for Nonlinearizable Phenomena

Dynamics-based Machine Learning for Nonlinearizable Phenomena

Haller and colleagues demonstrate how dynamics-based machine learning can be used to construct accurate and predictive reduced-order models from data.

Professional Feature - Ann Almgren

Professional Feature - Ann Almgren

Ann Almgren is a Senior Scientist in the Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and the Department Head of Applied Mathematics in the Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division.

Spiral Waves in Oscillatory Media with Nonlocal Coupling

Spiral Waves in Oscillatory Media with Nonlocal Coupling

Gabriela Jaramillo from the University of Houston demonstrates, for a general oscillatory model with nonlocal coupling, the existence of spiral waves by first deriving an amplitude equation, then using the methods of multiple scales to identify terms in the spiral wave solutions to multiple orders, and finally numerically showing how nonlocal interactions shape the spirals.

Wanted: Minitutorial Proposals for DS23

Wanted: Minitutorial Proposals for DS23

SIAM is looking for minitutorial proposals from the DS community.

A Dynamical Systems View of the Outcomes of Viral Infections

A Dynamical Systems View of the Outcomes of Viral Infections

Dynamical model of viral infections by Dixit demonstrates transitions between persistence and clearance as a bifurcation.

Machine Learning for Multiscale Systems: From Turbulence to Climate Prediction

Machine Learning for Multiscale Systems: From Turbulence to Climate Prediction

Balwada and Zanna discuss the importance of balancing physical theory with data assimilation and machine learning in climate modeling.

The London Millennium Footbridge Revisited: Emergent Instability Without Synchronization

The London Millennium Footbridge Revisited: Emergent Instability Without Synchronization

Beleykh and colleagues give evidence that Millennium Bridge instability may not have arise via synchronization using dynamical models and data.

New SIAM Fellows Include Dynamical Systems Experts

New SIAM Fellows Include Dynamical Systems Experts

Six members of the SIAM Dynamical Systems Activity Group are inducted as 2022 SIAM Fellows.

DSWeb Section Editor Transitions

DSWeb Section Editor Transitions

We have many changes to report on regarding the editorial team of DSWeb.
