SIAG/DS elections: Please vote by December 2

SIAG/DS elections: Please vote by December 2

Members of SIAG/DS have the opportunity and responsibility to select new leaders every two years. This year’s election is going on now and will be open until December 2.

Snowbird 2015: The Year of the Network

Snowbird 2015: The Year of the Network

A brief overview of another great Snowbird conference.

Red Sock Awards Recognize Best Snowbird Posters

Red Sock Awards Recognize Best Snowbird Posters

Four students were presented with the Red Sock Award for the best poster presentations at May’s Conference on Dynamical Systems. Along with a red sock, each awardee received a $100 prize. We invited the winners to tell us about themselves and their award-winning work.

Red Sock Awards Recognize Best Snowbird Posters

Red Sock Awards Recognize Best Snowbird Posters

Four students were presented with the Red Sock Award for the best poster presentations at May’s Conference on Dynamical Systems.

Four students were presented with the Red Sock Award for the best poster presentations at May’s Conference on Dynamical Systems. Along with a red sock, each awardee received a $100 prize. We invited the winners to tell us about themselves and their award-winning work.

New SIAM Fellows Include Dynamical Systems Experts

New SIAM Fellows Include Dynamical Systems Experts

DSWeb congratulates the Class of 2015 SIAM Fellows.

DSWeb congratulates the Class of 2015 SIAM Fellows.