Nonlinear Dynamics of Beliefs and Decisions in Social Systems

Nonlinear Dynamics of Beliefs and Decisions in Social Systems

Anastasia Bizyaeva describes a new nonlinear dynamical framework she developed with collaborators for modeling beliefs evolution in social networks.

Collective Cellular Motion in Tissues

Collective Cellular Motion in Tissues

Luis Bonilla studies the dynamics of PDE models of collective cell migration in tissues using novel coarse graining.

The Mathematics of Poverty, Inequality, and Oligarchy

The Mathematics of Poverty, Inequality, and Oligarchy

Boghosian and Börgers extend the "yard-sale model" of economics to account for oligarchy in wealth distribution.

Stratocumulus Clouds and Predator-prey Dynamics

Stratocumulus Clouds and Predator-prey Dynamics

Rebecca Gjini constructs a low-dimensional model of stratocumulus clouds inspired by predator-prey dynamics.


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