Last year, SIAG DS elected new SIAG DS officers for the 2024-2025 term. As a result, the new secretary of the SIAG, Casey Diekman (NJIT), and Eric Forgoston (Montclair State University) will assume the role of Co-Editor-in-Chiefs of the DSWeb magazine section, replacing section chief editor Zachary Kilpatrick (CU Boulder). Below is a statement from the outgoing magazine section chief editor and an introduction of the new editorial team.
Zachary Kilpatrick: Over the past two years, along with the rest of the DSWeb team, we hoped to provide the community with a snapshot of interesting new research emerging in dynamical systems, both in terms of short, digestible research articles often summarizing recent published work and also connecting you with the latest perspective articles from SIAM News. Alexandria Volkening (Purdue) has done an outstanding job soliciting high quality research media in the form of striking figures and movies illustrating models and ongoing work in dynamical systems. Jie Sun (Huawei) has substantially expanded the output of the “About the Profession” section facilitating articles from researchers in dynamical systems in academia, industry, and national labs across many career stages. I would like to also voice my heartfelt gratitude for James Haines, without whom none of the issues in these last two years would have been possible, and to thank everyone who contributed to the magazine. I look forward to continuing to serve DSWeb as Portal Editor-in-Chief, and am happy to be working with the new team.
Casey Diekman is an associate professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. His research interests primarily involve mathematical modeling and dynamical systems analysis of biological oscillations, in particular circadian (~24-hour) rhythms.
Eric Forgoston is a professor at Montclair State University in the School of Computing. His research involves the study of complex physical and biological phenomena, including material transport in the ocean, the outbreak and extinction of infectious diseases, behavior of biological and robotic swarms, food web dynamics in ecological systems, and the stability of fluid flows.
For those who use social media, we report that SIAG DS maintained its presence on social media: on Twitter (run by Mason Porter) @DynamicsSIAM; and Facebook (run by Zachary Kilpatrick) Please use these accounts to share any information of interest to members of SIAG DS.
Lastly, a special note that Jim Meiss (CU Boulder), who has served as the Recently Published Books Review section editor for over a decade will be stepping down. Jim originally started from the very beginning of DSWeb as the Section Chief Editor of the DSWeb Glossary of Technical Terms (which still lives on today as part of the Scholarpedia Encyclopedia of Applied Math). We would like to give a sincere thank you to Jim for his many years of service and dedication to DSWeb!
We would like to acknowledge the dedication and efforts of the whole DSWeb team over the past two years which included Alexandria Volkening, Jie Sun, James Haines, James Meiss, Korana Burke, Robby Marangell, Mason Porter, Theodore Kolokolnikov, and Hil Meijer.
DSWeb is published by and for the members of the Dynamical Systems Community. Please initiate a conversation, contribute an article, a review, a report or advertisement of a conference or other event.