Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems on Quantum Computers

Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems on Quantum Computers

Yuri Alexeev, Jeffrey Larson, Sven Leyffer, and Ruslan Shaydulin describe the current state of the quantum approximation optimisation algorithm

Balancing a Knife, Euler’s Elastica, and the Mathematical Pendulum

Balancing a Knife, Euler’s Elastica, and the Mathematical Pendulum

Mark Levi describes the physics and mathematics of balancing a knife.

Broken Social Contract

Broken Social Contract

William Yslas Vélez calls for mathematics departments to take the lead in addressing reform towards a more equitable educational system.

Recently Published Books in Dynamical Systems

Recently Published Books in Dynamical Systems

Here is a list of some of the recently published books in dynamical systems. Should you be interested in reviewing one of these, or any other book that you think would be useful, please contact the book reviews editor (James Meiss; jdm (at)

Wanted: Minitutorial Proposals for DS21

Wanted: Minitutorial Proposals for DS21

SIAM is looking for minitutorial proposals from the DS community.


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