Neumann Domains of Equilibrium States

Neumann Domains of Equilibrium States

Graham Cox from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University, St. John's, Canada describes the interplay between dynamical systems and geometry that arises in the study of Neumann boundary value problems.

New Bridges Between Deep Learning and Partial Differential Equations

New Bridges Between Deep Learning and Partial Differential Equations

Lars Ruthotto describes the interplay and exchange of knowledge between deep neural networks and partial differential equations.

SIAM Conferences, Reinvented

SIAM Conferences, Reinvented

Richard Moore describes the ways in which SIAM conferences are adapting in the COVID-19 world.

New Algorithm Mimics Electrosensing in Fish

New Algorithm Mimics Electrosensing in Fish

Jillian Kunze describes recent work by Lorenzo Baldassari and Andrea Scapin on a model of how weakly electric fish navigate through their environments.

SDG Workshop - Jervis Bay

SDG Workshop - Jervis Bay

Sidney Holden, a Phd Student at the University of Sydney reports on the seventh workshop of the Sydney Dynamics Group on Dynamical Systems - Theory and Application #7 held in person on Nov. 23-27, 2020 at the Bay and Bush Cottages in Woolamia New South Wales, Australia.


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