DSWeb 2024 Contest - Tutorials on DS Software - Final Call!

DSWeb 2024 Contest - Tutorials on DS Software - Final Call!

DSWeb 2024 Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software contest - Final Call and important message!

Stressing Microbes to Create Macroscopic Patterns

Stressing Microbes to Create Macroscopic Patterns

Matthew R. Francis describes recent work by Scott Weady and his collaborators regarding the mechanics and morphology of proliferating cell collectives.

Modeling Golf Ball Bounce: Experimental Observations and Mathematical Analysis

Modeling Golf Ball Bounce: Experimental Observations and Mathematical Analysis

Stanislaw Biber develops and analyzes a mathematical model of golf ball bounce that accounts for elastoplastic effects and exhibits dynamics consistent with experimental observations.

Numerics for Stochastics

Numerics for Stochastics

A brief introduction and short excerpt from the authors of An Introduction to the Numerical Simulation of Stochastic Differential Equations, which was published by SIAM in 2021.

Professional Feature - Elizabeth Bradley

Professional Feature - Elizabeth Bradley

Elizabeth Bradley details her journey from a New York City upbringing to an academic career at MIT and CU-Boulder, her interdisciplinary research centered around nonlinear dynamics and time series, and love of sports with a unique experience in the Olympics.


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