International Conference On Nonlinear Dynamics And Evolution Equations

International Conference On Nonlinear Dynamics And Evolution Equations

Report on the International Conference On Nonlinear Dynamics And Evolution Equations, held July 6-10, 2004 at Memorial University of Newfoundland, in the historical city St. John's.

The International Workshop on Bifurcation Theory and Applications

The International Workshop on Bifurcation Theory and Applications

In May 23-26 this year, the Department of Mathematics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai P.R. China hosted the International Workshop on Bifurcation Theory and Applications.

An interview with James A. Yorke

An interview with James A. Yorke

Jim Yorke, also known as Dr. Chaos, is famous for coining the mathematical term "chaos" (with T.Y. Li in a 1975 paper entitled Period Three Implies Chaos). Tim Sauer (George Mason University) talked to him at the Joint Mathematics Meeting, January 7-10, 2004 in Phoenix, Arizona. A story about chaos, interdisciplinary research and the legs of an elephant.

Dynamics of Structured Systems

Dynamics of Structured Systems

The "Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach" is an international research centre situated in the middle of the Schwarzwald in the south-western part of Germany. The Institute organizes around 50 one-week workshops per year where about 60 people gather for talks, research, and the famous walk through the woods for the Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. This is an excerpt of the official report on the workshop held December 14-20, 2003 that was organized by Wolf-Jürgen Beyn, Bernold Fiedler, and John Guckenheimer.

New Faces Lead SIAG/DS

New Faces Lead SIAG/DS

The new officers and advisory board members for SIAM's Activity Group in Dynamical Systems have begun their two year terms. Thanks to those who participated in last fall's elections.


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