Publication price and value

Publication price and value

The Elsevier boycott call has opened another round in the debate on subscription costs, publisher profit and open access. Let's have a peek.
The spring editorial by former Editor-in-Chief Jens Rademacher.

Dynamical systems at the Bandung Institute of Technology

Dynamical systems at the Bandung Institute of Technology

In 1998, a group of Indonesian students went to the Netherlands to work on a PhD in applied mathematics. From this exchange the dynamical systems group at the Bandung Institute of Technology was born. Theo Tuwankotta, who graduated in Utrecht in 2002, outlines the activities and research interests of this group.

From the editor-in-chief of SIADS

From the editor-in-chief of SIADS

In January 2012, Björn Sandstede took over as editor-in-chief of SIADS from Tasso Kaper. Below Björn Sandstede gives his view on the journal.

News about Scholarpedia and the Encyclopedia of Dynamical Systems

News about Scholarpedia and the Encyclopedia of Dynamical Systems

An announcement from Eugene M. Izhikevich, Editor-in-Chief of Scholarpedia, about the way in which you can contribute to, and benefit from, this invaluable resource.

Death Knell for the Lecture (and Conference)?

Death Knell for the Lecture (and Conference)?

Will scientific meetings and lectures move online in the near future? Editorial by Krešimir Josić


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