The Mathematics of Poverty, Inequality, and Oligarchy

The Mathematics of Poverty, Inequality, and Oligarchy

Boghosian and Börgers extend the "yard-sale model" of economics to account for oligarchy in wealth distribution.

Stratocumulus Clouds and Predator-prey Dynamics

Stratocumulus Clouds and Predator-prey Dynamics

Rebecca Gjini constructs a low-dimensional model of stratocumulus clouds inspired by predator-prey dynamics.

Professional Feature - Lisa Fauci

Professional Feature - Lisa Fauci

Lisa Fauci describes her path overcoming prejudice to become a highly successful mathematician and leader.

Shifting Consensus in a Biased Compromise Model

Shifting Consensus in a Biased Compromise Model

Olivia Cannon summarizes recent research analyzing the spatiotemporal dynamics of opinion clusters in a biased compromise model.

Student Feature - Olivia Cannon

Student Feature - Olivia Cannon

Olivia Cannon is a PhD student interested in pattern formation and coherent structures at the University of Minnesota working with Arnd Scheel.


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