SIAG/DS election results

By Hinke Osinga

This month, in October 2007, 18 members of the SIAM Activity Group in Dynamical Systems stood for election. The newly elected officers and advisory board members are:

Mary Lou Zeeman
Bowdoin College, Brunswick ME
Vice Chair:
Arjen Doelman
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Program Director:
Jeff Moehlis
University of California, Santa Barbara CA
Evelyn Sander
George Mason University, Fairfax VA

The new members of the Advisory Board are:

Chris Jones
The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Bernd Krauskopf
University of Bristol, UK
Konstantin Mischaikow
Rutgers University, Piscataway NJ
Mary Pugh
University of Toronto, Canada
Harry Swinney
University of Texas at Austin

The terms of the new officers and advisory board members starts January first 2008 and is for two years. As the new Secretary/Treasurer, Evelyn Sander will take over as Editor-in-Chief of DSWeb Magazine. Furthermore, Martin Wechselberger from the University of Sydney, Australia, will become the new Portal Editor-in-Chief of DSWeb

Thanks to all who participated in the election process.

Hinke Osinga
SIAG/DS Secretary 2006-2007


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