Professional Feature - Mario di Bernardo

Professional Feature - Mario di Bernardo

Mario di Bernardo shares his journey from learning to control chaos to becoming a world-renowned scientist in nonlinear control and complex networks, suggesting the importance of interdisciplinary work and the feedback loop between theory and applications.

Professional Feature - Carson C. Chow

Professional Feature - Carson C. Chow

Carson Chow unveils his trajectory from studying fundamental physics and dynamical systems to a leading scientist at NIH who tackles practical challenges in biological and health sciences.

Dynamics Days US is back in person!

Dynamics Days US is back in person!

Juan G. Restrepo and Korana Burke report on Dynamics Days 2024, UC Davis, January 8-10, 2024.

Professional Feature - Jianhong Wu

Professional Feature - Jianhong Wu

Jianhong Wu describes his educational and career journal, highlighting the value of following your interests.

Professional Feature - Mark J. Ablowitz

Professional Feature - Mark J. Ablowitz

Mark Ablowitz details his journey from a childhood in the Bronx to first-generation college student to a successful academic researcher and leader.


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