2024 SIAM Fellows Class Includes a Dynamical Systems Expert

2024 SIAM Fellows Class Includes a Dynamical Systems Expert

A member of the SIAM Dynamical Systems Activity Group is inducted in the 2024 SIAM Fellows.

DSWeb 2024 Contest - Tutorials on DS Software - Extended Deadline!

DSWeb 2024 Contest - Tutorials on DS Software - Extended Deadline!

DSWeb 2024 Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software contest - Deadline Extended!

DSWeb 2024 Contest - Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software - Extended Deadline

DSWeb 2024 Contest - Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software - Extended Deadline

DSWeb 2024 Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software contest - Deadline Extended

NZMRI 2024 Workshop on Math Neuro

NZMRI 2024 Workshop on Math Neuro

The NZMRI Summer Workshop features Mathematical Neuroscience and a majestic setting in the scenic Bay of Islands.

The 2023 SIAM Fellows Include Dynamical Systems Experts

The 2023 SIAM Fellows Include Dynamical Systems Experts

Two members of the SIAM Dynamical Systems Activity Group are inducted as 2023 SIAM Fellows.


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