Dynamical systems at the Bandung Institute of Technology

Dynamical systems at the Bandung Institute of Technology

In 1998, a group of Indonesian students went to the Netherlands to work on a PhD in applied mathematics. From this exchange the dynamical systems group at the Bandung Institute of Technology was born. Theo Tuwankotta, who graduated in Utrecht in 2002, outlines the activities and research interests of this group.

UOIT - the early days

UOIT - the early days

Nearly seven years ago, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology opened its doors in Oshawa, Ontario, about 50km from Toronto. At the site of this brand new institute there was a college and a collection of not-quite-finished buildings. The founding of a new university was the result of years of intense lobbying for funding with the provincial and the federal government. Lofty ideals were formulated, for instance that of UOIT being a university of the 21st century, where teaching is done using tablets and Wikis instead of chalk and notice boards. In this article, two of the faculty members of the first hour recount their first years at this rapidly growing institute, which expects to reach a student count of over 10,000 in the next few years.

The Sydney Dynamics Group

The Sydney Dynamics Group

The Sydney Dynamics Group is a recently formed research collaboration between two major universities in Sydney, Australia. The group consists of eight faculty, fourteen students, four postdocs, and a regular string of international visitors, all fueled by Sydney's outstanding coffee.

The MEC Lab at the University of Delaware

The MEC Lab at the University of Delaware

The University of Delaware MEC lab uses modeling, experiment, and computation to teach students applied math. The lab consists of a number of faculty working in a variety of loosely connected fields of applied math. It incorporates graduate students working on research, undergraduate students taking part in a capstone course or a summer research program, and outreach programs for local high schools.


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