Revivals and Fractalization

Revivals and Fractalization

David A. Smith discusses dispersive quantisation: from its discovery in the 19th century by Talbot, to more modern attempts at understanding fractalizing effects in dispersive equations.

Tears of Wine at PD19

Tears of Wine at PD19

A demonstration of the “tears of wine” problem by Andrea Bertozzi and Claudia Falcon at PD19 in La Quinta, CA.

Mathematical Resources to Help Understand COVID-19

Mathematical Resources to Help Understand COVID-19

A collection of resources to help facilitate a better understanding of the novel coronavirus outbreak and the research surrounding it.

Uncertainties in Lagrangian prediction

Uncertainties in Lagrangian prediction

Sanjeeva Balasuriya examines some recent approaches to ascribing uncertainties to Lagrangian-derived information.

A Fast-Slow Switching Model of Banded Vegetation Pattern Formation in Drylands

A Fast-Slow Switching Model of Banded Vegetation Pattern Formation in Drylands

A new fast-slow switching model is introduced that captures the ecohydrological processes such as infiltration of water into the soil during rainstorms and  seasonal plant growth and death. 


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