DSWeb Dynamical Systems Software aims to collect all available software on dynamical systems theory. This project was originally launched during the special year Emerging Applications of Dynamical Systems, 1997/1998, at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. The information here includes functionality, platforms, languages, references, and contacts.

Please note that DSWeb is not responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the content provided here.

emgr - EMpirical GRamian Framework

Compute empirical system Gramian matrices that quantify controllability, observability, minimality or identifiability of nonlinear input-output systems.


Computing inertial manifolds, foliations, and tracking initial conditions.

FOLI8PAK: Foliation Package

Computing inertial manifolds, foliations, and tracking initial conditions.

GAIO (Global Analysis of Invariant Objects)

Global numerical analysis of dynamical systems, computation of (chaotic) invariant sets, invariant manifolds, invariant measures, almost invariant sets.

Global Manifolds 1D

Computation of one-dimensional manifolds; module for DsTool.

Holistic discretisation of dynamical PDEs

Via this page you obtain the 1D spatial discretisation of a dynamical PDE using dynamical systems slow manifold theory.


HomMap is an AUTO driver for detection and continuation of homoclinic points and their bifurcations for maps.

iDMC 2.0.10

An integrated, user-friendly, open-source software program developed for the simulation and dynamical analysis of nonlinear models.

Insight Maker

Online program which supports model construction and simulation in the browser.

JuliaDynamics - Tutorials

Runner-up - DSWeb 2019 Tutorials on DS Software Contest, Student Category

Tutorials (videos, notebooks, documentation pages) that have been produced to guide the users of the JuliaDynamics organization into not only being able to use the packages provided, but also to be able to understand and study dynamical systems in depth.

LAPM, CompartmentalSystems, bc-md

Runner-up - DSWeb 2018 Software Contest

The python packages CompartmentalSystems, LAPM and bgc-md for the analysis of compartmental dynamical systems.

LOCA (Library of Continuation Algorithms)

LOCA is a new software library for performing bifurcation analysis of large-scale applications. The source code has been available for download since April 19, 2002.


Simulation, continuation, and normal form analysis of dynamical systems.


Prize Winner - DSWeb 2019 Tutorials on DS Software Contest, Senior Faculty Category

A set of four tutorials for the toolbox MatContM.


MATLAB-based version of DESIR.


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