Adaptive Networks in Action: Opinion Formation, Epidemics and the Evolution of Cooperation

Adaptive Networks in Action: Opinion Formation, Epidemics and the Evolution of Cooperation

The authors provide an overview and give some examples from the emerging field of adaptive networks, where the structure of a network changes in response to an underlying model.

Student Feature - Yuxin Chen

Student Feature - Yuxin Chen

Yuxin Chen is currently a PhD student under Mary Silber at Northwestern. She was an undergraduate at Dalhousie University where she received Sir William Young Gold Medal in Mathematics given to the best undergraduate student upon graduation.

Review of "Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems" by T. Sideris

Review of "Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems" by T. Sideris

Reivew of the text  T. Sideris's "Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems"

by Douglas Shafer


Mathematics on the Chopping Block

Mathematics on the Chopping Block

The production of end-grain wooden cutting boards involves repeated operations
that lead to interesting mathematical questions. I explore some of the mathematical issues that arise in the process; they pose some interesting mathematical puzzles. I also show how mathematics can be used to create
intricate artistic designs for cutting boards that are amenable to
woodworking. These designs have been tested in real wood. Some of them belong
to a class of iterated-function-system fractals but others do not. The
overall goal is to produce an aesthetically pleasing design suggested by
mathematics and implementable in wood.

Dynamics Days 2017

Dynamics Days 2017

Joe Hart overviews Dynamics Days 2017, which took place 4–6 January in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.