Two jobs, two countries, two homes

Two jobs, two countries, two homes

Yulij IlÂ’yashenko is well known in the dynamical systems community for his work on the 16th Hilbert problem, generic properties of dynamical systems, and non-local bifurcations. He works part-time both at Cornell University in the USA and at Moscow State University, the Independent University and the Steklov Institute in Russia. Hinke Osinga asked him what it was like to grow up in the former USSR and how he has come to enjoy his life split between two continents.

Berechenbares Chaos in Dynamischen Systemen

Berechenbares Chaos in Dynamischen Systemen

Reviewed by Charles H. Morgan, Jr.
Book Reviews Editor

Contact Geometry and Nonlinear Differential Equations

Contact Geometry and Nonlinear Differential Equations

Reviewed by Rich Mikula
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

Books in Brief

Books in Brief

Books which caught our attention

Math Awareness Month 2009

Math Awareness Month 2009

Mathematics Awareness Month takes place in April, 2009, with the theme Mathematics and Climate. SIAG/DS Chair Mary Lou Zeeman lists some of the Math Awareness Month activities of interest.

The Sydney Dynamics Group

The Sydney Dynamics Group

The Sydney Dynamics Group is a recently formed research collaboration between two major universities in Sydney, Australia. The group consists of eight faculty, fourteen students, four postdocs, and a regular string of international visitors, all fueled by Sydney's outstanding coffee.

The Dynamics of Toys

The Dynamics of Toys

Many mechanical toys display compelling and subtle dynamical properties. This article includes both modeling and experimental data for two classical examples: The drinking bird, and the balancing stick.