Evolutionary Dynamics:  Exploring the Equations of Life

Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Equations of Life

Reviewer: Stephen Schecter
North Carolina State University

Books in Brief

Books in Brief

Books (and music) which caught our attention

Delayed Complex Systems and State-Dependent Delay Equations

Delayed Complex Systems and State-Dependent Delay Equations

The Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Germany, hosted two international meetings on delay equations: the workshop on Delayed Complex Systems, 5-9 October 2009, and the workshop on State-Dependent Delay Equations, 12-16 October 2009. Bernd Krauskopf gives some impressions.

Leading indicators of critical transitions: theory or practice?

Leading indicators of critical transitions: theory or practice?

Vasilis Dakos, Egbert van Nes, and Marten Scheffer summarize their recent results published in Nature on early-warning signals for critical transitions in a variety of systems ranging from fisheries to climate to financial markets.

Why Do Math

Why Do Math

Inspired by the frequent need to answer the question, Why Do Math is a SIAM-sponsored website highlighting many of the exciting contributions made by computational science and mathematics to science, society, and everyday life. Though not specifically about dynamical systems, it includes many dynamical systems related topics (several of which are linked in the DSWeb Tutorials Section). The website is currently under development, but a number of tutorials are already available for view, on The America's Cup, Coclear Implants, Mathematics of Neuroscience, Space Travel, Tomography, Voting, and Wavelets.

Michael Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems

Michael Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems

Professor Michael Brin of the University of Maryland endowed an international prize for outstanding work in the theory of dynamical systems and related areas. The prize is given biennially for specific mathematical achievements that appear as a single publication or a series thereof in refereed journals, proceedings or monographs.