Vale Claudia Wulff

Vale Claudia Wulff

It is with great regret that we report on the recent passing of Dr Claudia Wulff.

Recently Published Books in Dynamical Systems

Recently Published Books in Dynamical Systems

Here is a list of some of the recently published books in dynamical systems. Should you be interested in reviewing one of these, or any other book that you think would be useful, please contact the book reviews editor (James Meiss; jdm (at)

DS21 Red Sock Awards

DS21 Red Sock Awards

List of 2021 Red Sock awards.

May 2021 Prize Spotlight

May 2021 Prize Spotlight

Congratulations to J. D. Crawford Prize winner Igor Mezić and Jürgen Moser Lecture prize winner Lai-Sang Young!

Report on SIAM DS21

Report on SIAM DS21

Daniel Cooney reflects on DS21.

Quenched Stripes: Wavenumber Selection and Dynamics

Quenched Stripes: Wavenumber Selection and Dynamics

Ryan Goh of Boston University discusses the effect of quenching in the Swift-Hohenberg equation as a model for spacial growth.

Nanoptera in Nonlinear Woodpile Chains

Nanoptera in Nonlinear Woodpile Chains

Guo Deng from Macquarie University in Australia talks about nonlinearity of woodpile chains.

Student Feature - Wesley R. Perkins

Student Feature - Wesley R. Perkins

Wesley Perkins is a recent PhD studying existence, stability, and dynamics of nonlinear wave solutions to partial differential equations (PDEs) arising from physical applications.