The 7th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations

The 7th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations

Carmen Chicone and Yuri Latushkin give an account of the 7th American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, held at the University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, USA on May 18-21, 2008.

Bifurcations inDynamical Systems with Applications

Bifurcations inDynamical Systems with Applications

May 19-21, Wolf-Jürgen Beyn and Thorsten Hüls organized a workshop in Bielefeld, Germany, that brought together about 50 participants with an interest in computational methods for dynamical systems and applications. Peter Kloeden (Frankfurt) reports for DSWeb Magazine.

Sensor Networks, Algebraic Topology, and Dynamics

Sensor Networks, Algebraic Topology, and Dynamics

Robert Ghrist gives an overview of how algebraic topology and dynamical systems are being applied to the engineering problem of sensor placement and data collection. Ghrist's work in this field with collaborator Vin de Silva, Pomona College earned them a 2007 SciAm 50 award, Scientific American's list of the fifty most important advancements in technology and innovation.

Save the dates for Snowbird Conference 2009

Save the dates for Snowbird Conference 2009

Co-organizer Jeff Moehlis announces the invited speakers and important deadlines for next year's SIAM SIAG/DS meeting in Snowbird.