Recently Published Books in Dynamical Systems

Recently Published Books in Dynamical Systems

Here is a list of some of the recently published books in dynamical systems. Should you be interested in reviewing one of these, or any other book that you think would be useful, please contact the book reviews editor (James Meiss; jdm (at)

Student Feature - Maxfield Comstock

Student Feature - Maxfield Comstock

Max Comstock is a PhD student studying Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Elizabeth Cherry.

2022: The Editorial Transition

2022: The Editorial Transition

Korana Burke, Robby Marangell, Jan Sieber, and Zachary Kilpatrick report on the changes in the editorial team of the DSWeb.

Elliptical Eyes, Eccentricity, and the Speed of Light

Elliptical Eyes, Eccentricity, and the Speed of Light

Mark Levi discusses the relationship between the eccentricity and focusing geometry of an elliptical lens.

Weakly Coupled Dynamic Programs, Fluid Limits, and COVID-19: How Optimization Can Help Inform Policymaking

Weakly Coupled Dynamic Programs, Fluid Limits, and COVID-19: How Optimization Can Help Inform Policymaking

Huikang Liu and Wolfram Wiesemann summarize recent work developing a model-based national patient prioritization scheme in response to the limited capacity in the UK due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic. Their approach leverages dynamic programming to simultaneously estimate capacity and account for the dynamics of patient states and available resources.

The Many Behaviours of a Fourth Order Thin-film Equation

The Many Behaviours of a Fourth Order Thin-film Equation

Michael C. Dallaston from the Queensland University of Technology discusses the variety of solution behaviors found in a fourth-order thin film equation that serves as a somewhat prototypical equation for a collection of nonlinear phenomena.