DSWeb 2024 Contest - Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software - Extended Deadline

DSWeb 2024 Contest - Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software - Extended Deadline

DSWeb 2024 Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software contest - Deadline Extended

Dynamics Days US is back in person!

Dynamics Days US is back in person!

Juan G. Restrepo and Korana Burke report on Dynamics Days 2024, UC Davis, January 8-10, 2024.

NZMRI 2024 Workshop on Math Neuro

NZMRI 2024 Workshop on Math Neuro

The NZMRI Summer Workshop features Mathematical Neuroscience and a majestic setting in the scenic Bay of Islands.

2024: The Editorial Transition

2024: The Editorial Transition

Casey Diekman, Eric Forgoston, and Zachary Kilpatrick report on the changes in the editorial team of the DSWeb.

Professional Feature - Jianhong Wu

Professional Feature - Jianhong Wu

Jianhong Wu describes his educational and career journal, highlighting the value of following your interests.

Professional Feature - Mark J. Ablowitz

Professional Feature - Mark J. Ablowitz

Mark Ablowitz details his journey from a childhood in the Bronx to first-generation college student to a successful academic researcher and leader.

The Pancreatic Beta Cell: Biology and Mathematics Advance Together

The Pancreatic Beta Cell: Biology and Mathematics Advance Together

Sherman and colleagues trace the history of using dynamical systems methods to model pancreatic beta cells and insulin secretion.

Unprecedented Rates of Atmospheric Warming Trigger Zombie Fires

Unprecedented Rates of Atmospheric Warming Trigger Zombie Fires

O'Sullivan and colleagues use geometric singular perturbation theory to analyze the emergence of "zombie fires."